Fighting pediculosis in a child and adult
- Lice species
- Extermination of parasites
- Traditional methods of treatment
- Pediculosis Medicines
Pediculosis - a common and rather dangerous disease. Lice are carriers of infection, one of them is typhus. However, not only this dangerous pediculosis: constant itching, restless sleep, inability to feel comfortable in society and other unpleasant consequences.Faced with the problem, people are interested in how to deal with lice. Especially this question is relevant for families where there are small children. After all, insects feel comfortable next to a person multiply rapidly, adapt to changing external conditions and even immersion in water is not able to destroy them.
Today there are a huge number of methods and techniques that humanity has been using effectively for many years. Fighting bloodsuckers is not easy, it requires patience and endurance. Only strict compliance with all recommendations will allow get rid of lice on hair.
Varieties of parasites and causes of infection
Head lice - blood-sucking ectoparasites. They live in hair-covered areas of the human body or in the folds of his clothes. This existence explains their high survivability, as the lice have learned to adapt to the changing conditions of their host. Of the three varieties of insects that parasitize humans clothes, pubic and headThe most common is louse, which lives in the hair on people's heads.
Life cycle such an insect is approximately 45 days. During this time, the female is able to lay up to 140 nits, which she firmly attaches with a special adhesive substance to the hair, in close proximity to the scalp. From the egg on day 10, the larva emerges, which after a couple of weeks becomes capable of breeding.
Contrary to the well-established opinion that lice and nits in hair - This is the lot of dysfunctional and untidy members of society; today this problem is becoming relevant for quite respectable persons. No one is immune from the omnipresent and enduring parasites. Infection with them can occur anywhere. It should be learned that lice are not transmitted from animals, they do not fly or jump, but crawl from one person to another. Therefore, to get an unpleasant "guest" is possible only through close contact with the carrier of lice. Where lice come fromThere are several sources of infection:
- in kindergartens and schools;
- in sanatoriums, hotels and health camps;
- when visiting pools, gym and fitness centers;
- in urban transport and other crowded locations.
Lice are transmitted through personal hygiene items, other people's hats and clothing, and also, if you use an infected person's comb. When identifying the slightest signs of the presence of parasites in the hair, you must immediately proceed to the fight against lice and their nits.
On a note!
Despite the abundance of all sorts of methods and means, the use of which allows you to destroy the parasites, the most effective and time-tested technique is the complete removal of hair in an infected area of the body. Thus, the risk of side effects is eliminated and there is a 100% guarantee of a positive result.
Extermination of parasites
To the main headache symptoms include such unpleasant phenomena:
- persistent itching of the scalp, accompanied by scratching and open wounds;
- traces lice bites in the form of small reddened punctures;
- the formation in the occipital and temporal part of the head of scaly lesions that begin to get wet from constant scratching;
- nits on the hair, resembling particles of dandruff;
- gray and bluish spots on the skin of the head - the consequences of hemorrhages;
- detection of the parasites themselves.
The whole process of lice control in a child and an adult takes on average at least a month, which is explained by the peculiarities of the ectoparasite life cycle.
The safe use of any special means for removing lice involves checking for a possible allergic reaction.
In order for the hair on the head not to become a hotbed of parasites that can cause serious problems, it is necessary to immediately proceed to safe procedures for human health and detrimental to head lice. Methods of combating pediculosis, which allow to get rid of the treacherous insects at home, are divided into these types:
- mechanical;
- drug or chemical;
- mixed
- folk.
In order to understand the essence of each of them, it is necessary to understand their specific features.
Mechanical techniques
This technique does not differ by a wide variety of techniques. In her arsenal, there are only 2 ways:
- Shaving hair on the head. Not everyone will risk using such radical measures to kill lice.A haircut “under zero” is a means for the representatives of the male half of humanity, although not everyone will agree to shave beautiful hair. Also, this method is suitable if the parasites appeared in a young child.
- Combing nits and adults. For this use special lice comb. This technique effectively eliminates adult insects and their nits and helps to fight pediculosis in children, since it is not based on the use of chemicals.
The procedure for getting rid of lice on the hair includes the following sequence of actions:
- shampooing with regular shampoo;
- combing insects with a frequent comb or a special stainless steel comb that is sold in a pharmacy.
The procedure is preferably carried out over a bath or under the head under the white tissue, which will be visible parasites to be destroyed. It is necessary to comb the hair strand by strand, starting from the very roots, without missing a single patch. If nits and lice get stuck between the teeth, the comb should be cleaned. To comb your hair in this way you need to observe the result regularly and for a month.
To facilitate the process of removing insects and their offspring, it is recommended to lubricate the hair with vegetable oil or balsam. Shampoo does not relieve lice, it only simplifies the process of combing them, so you can use anti-pediculosis remedies to enhance the effect.
On a note!
Do not forget about your own safety in the process of combing an infected person. Hair should be removed under a disposable plastic cap. After the procedure, all tools are sanitized, and the clothes are washed in hot water.
Pharmaceutical scallop helped us a lot. My daughter brought a "gift" from the garden. Lice the child they didn’t want chemistry, they were afraid of the consequences, therefore, on the advice of their acquaintance, they purchased the anti-comb. The work is very tedious and tedious, because you need to comb out every strand, but we managed. Even in the garden praised.
Elizaveta, Serpukhov
The fight against lice on the head can be carried out with special preparations that come in various forms. They consist of highly effective components that contribute to the destruction of dangerous parasites.The most common and safe for humans are such tools:
- Malathion;
- permethrin;
- phenotrin;
- dimethicone and other substances.
In order to avoid the development of resistance to one or another component, it is desirable to use a combination of drugs that are quite widely represented in pharmacies. Do not forget that almost everything pediculicides have certain contraindications. Therefore, before you buy any insecticide, you must consult with your doctor and carefully follow all instructions.
Drugs, widely represented in the pharmacy market, are available in the following forms:
- safe and effective shampoos;
- the sprays;
- creams and ointments;
- lotions;
- repellents.
All of them are meant for pediculosis treatment. The procedure for using each of their funds and the frequency of processing are detailed in the recommendations attached to them. Many are interested in the question of how to deal with nits, because not all chemical compounds cope with the offspring of lice. There is a line of drugs that have an ovicidal effect, that is, they destroy not only adults, but also their eggs.
Among the most effective drugs emit:
Brought insects from a business trip. Long did not hesitate and took advantage of the advice of a pharmacist - bought means D-95. Fast and efficient. I had enough one-time processing.
Evgenia, Moscow
Folk recommendations
The centuries-old neighborhood with parasites allowed humanity to select and test in practice a large number of all kinds of tools. Folk ways of dealing with pediculosis are not always safe, but are notable for good performance. The most popular are such tools:
- Kerosene Blend and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. The composition is applied to the hair, which are covered with polyethylene and wrapped with a scarf. In the morning, the curls are thoroughly washed with sulfuric or tar soap. The dead nits and lice are combed out with a comb moistened with vinegar.
- Fresh cranberry or pomegranate juice. The tool is applied over the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the scalp. After some time, all you need to wash off and remove dead insects and nits.
- Vinegar solutionused for rinsing and rubbing hair.
- Chemerichnaya water. The product is plentifully applied to the hair, which after 30 minutes must be thoroughly rinsed.
There are still a number folk remediesto get rid of insects. Knowing how and how to deal with lice in a child and an adult, you can quickly cope with the problem. However, we should not neglect the elementary preventive measures that will not allow you to get infected with a dangerous infection.