Processing homes and things from lice and nits

Insure against penetration into the house of lice is not capable of even the most clean person. Bloodsuckers can occur after a visit by guests, a visit to a public place or a children's team. The reason can also be a banal walk in nature or a neighborhood with a dysfunctional family. There are many ways to solve this problem. means for the treatment of pediculosis. However, to achieve a positive result will not succeed until the timely processing of bed linen and things. How to treat the apartment from lice, this article will tell.

What are these parasites

Head lice - parasitic insects, the source of food for which is human blood. Parasites are transmitted during contact with a person suffering from head lice.

Conventionally, these insects are divided into the following types:

  • head lice - inhabitants of the scalp;
  • pubic lice - insects that bring discomfort to a person in the groin area; and on eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • body lice - insects living in the folds and seams of clothing.

In view of the tiny size of the insects, as well as their fast breeding, lice out very difficult. After all, a larva hatched from an egg becomes a mature specimen after 8–20 days. And given the fact that lifespan of parasites on a human body can reach about two months, it becomes very simple to estimate the scale of the problem. Only timely treatment of the apartment from lice will help to cope with bloodsuckers quickly enough.Otherwise, the grueling struggle will begin from the beginning.

Processing Rules

Lice treatment
Lice treatment

Treatment of an apartment for lice includes disinfection of things, bedding, furniture. It is also necessary to treat combs after lice to prevent their re-distribution.

  1. To process clothes for lice, it is necessary to subject it to washing. Processing cotton linen should be carried out at maximum temperature. A good effect is also boiling in a solution of sodium carbonate.
  2. Things, the washing of which requires temperature limitations, are disinfected with a soap-kerosene emulsion. For its preparation, the soap solution is mixed with kerosene in a 1: 1 ratio. Things are immersed in the solution for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Due to the fact that parasites are afraid excessively low temperatures, it is also possible to process things after lice and nits with cold. Just place them for a day in the freezer.
  4. It is possible to affect pests and heat. Perfectly cope with this direct sunlight. It is enough to “fry” in this way things for two weeks.Especially this method is suitable for products from delicate fabrics. No less useful would be heat treatment of things from lice with a hot iron or steam generator.
  5. You can handle the bed and children's toys if you pack them in a bag and close them tightly. You can open it no earlier than 10 days. That is how much time it takes to kill the pests. After that, all things and toys should be cleaned and dried.
  6. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to treat the combs after lice, as the eggs remaining on the ridge retain their activity for 3-4 days. To do this, it is better to use specialized tools in the form of toxic sprays or solutions. An example of this might be Paranit Sensative, Veda, Nix and Medyfox. They can also disinfect a hat for lice and other hats.
  7. It is possible to process the comb with more affordable means using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and water (in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5). Items of the female arsenal (hairpins, elastics, scallops, etc.) are placed in the prepared solution for 3 hours. After that, they shift in hot water, the temperature of which will not be below 60-70 degrees.After a quarter of an hour, the product is washed with running water with detergent.
  8. Or you can simply lower the combs and combs into boiling water. Such procedures should be carried out after each combing parasites and their nits.
  9. Dry cleaning - perhaps the most effective way to disinfect things, combining chemical and high-temperature processing. It is especially necessary in case of excessive infection with parasites. For processing the same room, you can use the services of a specialized service.

The fight against parasites at home is carried out with the help of chemical and folk remedies.


Parasite products
Parasite products

Lice in the apartment are destroyed by chemicals, it is to them that most consumers prefer. They contain insecticidal components, destructive for bloodsuckers. Chemicals come in the form of:

  • Lice spray - it is very often used in the fight against head lice. To get rid of head lice, just spray the solution over the entire length of the hair, then put a plastic cap on the head, and wrap it with a towel.After the time specified in the instructions, the hair should be washed with running water, dried and combed with a special comb.
  • Aerosol preparations are something to process things fairly effectively and simply. In addition, they do not require additional preparation. They are also used for processing things and bed linen. Also spray can handle furniture for lice.
  • Shampoo - especially in demand by the consumer. Detergent is used not only for treating hair. They can also clean and insect-infected surfaces.
  • Gels, creams or ointment - preparations in this form are less convenient to use, since it is unlikely to cover all surfaces. Not very convenient for handling things. Since they can leave stains on them.
  • Dusts - treatment of head lice and nits at home with powdered preparations is not uniform, therefore it does not allow to achieve a positive result. In addition, the use of dust is unsafe for the body due to the fact that the smallest particles can easily penetrate into it.
  • Concentrated emulsions - they are mixed with water in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.The resulting solution is placed in a container with a spray and sprayed on the surface of the furniture. In terms of effectiveness, this remedy is like a spray, but it requires preparation.
  • Pencils (crayons) - tools of this type do not give the desired result, since it will not be possible to fully treat all surfaces.

The following drugs are in great demand among consumers: Geth, Pyrethrum, Combat, Dichlorvos, Lyabda Zona, Reid. You can buy them in any hardware store in Moscow.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

Folk remedies are best used in conjunction with specialized drugs, as with independent use is unlikely to be able to achieve a full result.

  1. Tansy, wormwood, eucalyptus - herbs that have a sharp insect-repellent smell. Peppermint has a similar effect. Plants can be used both fresh and in dry form.
  2. Good disinfection for pediculosis is the use of a mixture of salt and soda, which are taken in equal amounts. So powder sprinkled upholstered furniture, beds, bed and floor.
  3. Citrus peel is another remedy with repellent properties.It repels various insects, including lice.
  4. Do not tolerate parasites and the smell of garlic. It is crushed and laid out in household premises.
  5. Afraid of lice and coniferous smell. They will leave the room if the sawdust is arranged in it.
  6. Vinegar - acid with disinfectant properties. Without it, the processing of premises will not give proper results. Acetic solution washed not only the hair, but also the infected surface.

How to handle an apartment

To clean the lice from the apartment, you must comply with certain rules:

  1. Infected items and textiles are washed or boiled.
  2. The premises are wet-cleaned, after which all surfaces are treated with an insecticide. Particular attention should be paid to the places of excessive accumulation of insects, they can live in carpets, upholstered furniture, toys.
  3. At the end of the treatment room should leave for 3-4 hours. After which it is thoroughly aired.
  4. General cleaning is carried out after a week (time may vary). After that, to achieve the maximum effect, re-treatment is necessary.
  5. Collected trash is placed in a bag and discarded.


The treatment of the room with an insecticidal preparation is carried out with the use of personal protective equipment.

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