How to comb nits
No national, professional pediculicide agent not capable destroy nits. The only reliable method is combing. To improve the effectiveness of using special combs, hairbrushes, and hair pre-treated with certain means. How to comb out nits and lice to get rid of lice as quickly as possible.
Combing procedure
Nothing complicated or unusual. Everyone knows how to use a comb. Combing lice and nits with a comb is done according to the following rules:
- It is necessary to choose a suitable place with good lighting. Spread a white sheet or sheet of paper to better see the result.
- Long hair is better to collect in the tail with one hand, gradually separate the thin strands for combing. So you can be sure that not a single hair will be left unattended.
- To brush will have a long and carefully. To facilitate the process, long hair is slightly moisturized or treated with air conditioning.
To improve the efficiency of combing, you must first carry out another procedure that will weaken the tenacity of the eggs.
Preparing for combing
Nits are attached to the hair with a special adhesive substance. Under the influence of oxygen, it hardens, ensures reliable fixation of the eggs to the lice.
On a note!
Nits do not wash off the soap, does not remove the usual comb. Even after the appearance of nymphs, the shell of eggs - dead nits, keep holding on to a hair. To remove them, you need to make special efforts or take advantage of cunning.
Means against nits:
- Vinegar. In ancient times, this tool was number 1 to get rid of lice. Later it turned out that vinegar does not kill the lice, but rather effectively destroys the sticky substance of the eggs. As a result, combing is much easier. 100 ml of vinegar dissolved in 300 ml of water. Liberally moisten your head, put on a plastic bag or a special cap. After 20 minutes, proceed to combing. At the end, rinse with warm water.
- Hydrogen peroxide. The tool kills lice, destroys the sticky substance of nits. And so effective that they literally showered themselves from the head. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Handle hair. Put on a plastic bag. Wash off the composition after 30 minutes. Then spend combing. The product is suitable for girls with blond hair. You need to be prepared for the fact that after removing lice with peroxide, the hair will be lighter on tone.
- Chemerichnaya water. The product is sold in pharmacies. Very effective against lice. Promotes unstuck nits. Hair treatment takes place according to the rules of using hydrogen peroxide. The main difference - hellebore water does not spoil the hair. Even strengthens.
- Juices.An effective remedy for nits is cranberry juice. Berry destroys the strong adhesive substance of nits faster than chemical compounds. The main difficulty is not always possible to get it. Instead of cranberries, you can use lemon juice or acid. A glass of water consumes 1 teaspoon of acid or juice of 1 fruit. This tool makes the hair soft, smooth, does not spoil the structure.
- Shampoo. Special pediculosis shampoo in 10-20 minutes kills nymphs of all generations, imago. Does not affect the eggs of lice, does not destroy the sticky substance, but makes the hair smooth, soft. Combing is much easier.
- Olive oil. One of the most favorable folk remedies for lice in relation to the hair. It nourishes, moisturizes, accelerates growth, makes it smooth, silky, restores the structure. Makes combing nits not so painful and unpleasant.
On a note!
You can get rid of lice for 1 procedure for 15 minutes. The main task - as quickly as possible to get rid of nits. From the thoroughness of the procedure depends on the further development of the situation. There will be a few pieces - you have to repeat everything from the beginning.
Tool for combing
Every day every girl, girl, woman uses a comb. Combs hair several times a day. Nits go nowhere, continue to actively develop. To remove the lice eggs from the hair need a special comb or comb.
ABOUT pediculosis it is not customary to speak openly. Everyone pretends that such a problem does not exist, remained in the distant past. Lice is vigorously discussed on Internet forums, special tools for combing nits are actively advertised.
Comb or comb from lice differs from the usual frequency of teeth, their long, shape, material. Hard comb with fine teeth of quality material, with rounded tips. It does not damage the scalp even with repeated touching. Well touches every hair, removes the mote with a diameter of less than 1 mm. Combing nits is much easier and faster, the hair is not damaged.
Professional combs
Combing lice and nits with a comb of quality material is much faster, easier, easier. You can buy a professional tool for lice in a pharmacy or order it online. The most popular brands in Moscow are:
- AntiV;
- LiceGuard;
- Nitty Gritty NitFreeComb.
Combs from lice differ in appearance. Comb with small teeth are more suitable for short hair, with oblong - for long.
Among identical products there is a comb from lice, which is somewhat different. RobiComb passes an electric current through the teeth. It is absolutely safe, not felt by man, but it paralyzes lice, nits. Getting on the teeth of the comb, the parasites get an electric shock. This prevents lice from crawling back into hair.
Correctly comb lice and nits - not an easy task. Must be patient and endurance. The procedure after the first treatment should be carried out for at least 30 minutes. Then daily for 1 week. After 7 days, re-process, again comb out the dead nits. The correct procedure involves 2 pests.
If there is no special device
Lice can catch anytime, anywhere. Act quickly. How to comb out nits if there is no scallop:
- you need to go to any mall, store, tent on the market where they sell hairbrushes;
- choose the most common with small, frequent teeth, it is suitable for hair of any length, can eliminate pediculosis;
- if the hairs are extremely thin, the comb does not capture nits, you need to thread a thread between the teeth, fasten it to the sides;
- distribute hair into thin strands, slowly move the comb from the roots to the tips.
On a note!
In those places where the nits are clearly visible, you can pick up nails, gently stretch to the bottom. But do not overdo it. As the lice eggs come out with the hair.
Combating head lice on long hair
In ancient times, the problem of lice was solved quickly and radically - shaved his head bald. Now there are many other alternative options, more humane. But the problem of combing remains.
On a note!
Lice lay nits at a distance of 1 cm from the roots. As hair grows, they end up on different parts of the head. Short hair does not solve the problem. Do not shorten hair. If you use this method for pediculosis treatment, only thoroughly - bald.
Tips, how to comb nits with long hair at home.
- Pre-use a mixture that separates nits from hairs.
- Initially, comb your hair with a regular comb to unravel after washing.
- Use conditioner or oil. The tool will help speed up the process of removing parasites.
- To collect hair in a tail, to separate gradually a lock for a lock.
- It is necessary to repeat the combing procedure every day during the week.
Daily prolonged combing with a quality comb will not damage the hair, help to get rid of insects, stimulates the growth of hair.
Get rid of the head lice can only be mechanically, if another method for one reason or another can not be applied. The comb can easily be combed out with lice to a child, adult. It may apply lice remover for pregnant women. On the head with a strong infection of about 20 pieces of parasites. Every day choose nits. If after 2 weeks no symptoms of pediculosis no - everything is done correctly, with special responsibility.
Nits can be quickly combed using special combs. Be sure to conduct preliminary training. A substance such as vinegar is available in every home. Take the procedure seriously. Efficiency depends on the quality of combing combat lice.