How to treat pediculosis at home in children and adults

Pediculosis It is customary to call the state of lice. Lice infestations are more likely to affect children, but this problem does not bypass the problem with adults. Despite the fact that infection by small insects can occur even in a crowded transport, in a pool, a bath, lice is shyly silent about the treatment and carry out the treatment of lice on its own, without the help of experts. Fortunately for removing lice, there are many pharmaceutical preparations and folk methods that allow for one or more procedures to get rid of parasites.

What is pediculosis?

There are three species of human lice: headache, pubic, they are caster and clothes. All of them feed exclusively on blood and they are not at all interested in any other diet. Even the blood of other types of warm-blooded animals does not attract parasites. Therefore, the possibility of infection with lice from animals is completely excluded.

On a note!

Cats, dogs have their own kind of parasites - lashingwhich are very similar to lice.

In accordance with what insects have chosen the body, there are types of lice:

  • head;
  • pubic;
  • wardrobe

Each of them has its own symptoms and treatment.

Types of lice
Types of lice

Head lice

Head lice can be in children and adults. According to statistics, it is most often found in the age group from 15 to 24 years old and in children under 14 years old. The culprit of the disease - head louse. Insect gray color with a short body of 2-3 mm lives only in hair with a round section: on the head, in the beard, on the mustache. After saturation it becomes red, purple. How do lice and nits in the hair clearly shows the photo.

On a note!

Breeding parasites very fast. Every day, the female lays up to 5 eggs - nits, which she attaches to the hair by means of a sticky substance. The shell reliably protects the embryo, so the nits are practically not amenable to the action of insecticides.

In the first days, when the lice on the head of a child or an adult have not yet been sufficiently bred, their presence goes unnoticed. Subsequently, the following are observed headache symptoms:

  • severe itching caused by lice bites;
  • the formation of pustules, boils on the skin, caused by infection during scratching;
  • anxiety, irritability;
  • the appearance on the hair of tiny white capsules that look like dandruff.
Lice and dandruff
Lice and dandruff

See the difference between dandruff and nits can be in the photo. Nits visually the same size and remove them from the hair is quite difficult. Dandruff is flakes of various sizes and is easily removed.

Lice infestation occurs when contacting an infected person — just a short head contact is enough for the parasite to crawl onto the new host, as well as the use of combs and headgear of the louse carrier. The most common infection occurs in crowded places: in schools, kindergartens, preschool institutions, camps, public transport. Children become infected while playing, sharing selfies.


Girl lice are more common than boys. Such selectivity is not at all due to the length of the hair, but the fact that young persons often change with each other combs, hair ornaments, try on and borrow hats.

Having identified lice, parents think about how to treat pediculosis in children. In medical institutions, a pediatrician or a dermatologist diagnoses and prescribes drugs.Due to the large number pediculicides and folk recipespediculosis treatment is also possible at home.


Appeal to a pediatrician is mandatory for children suffering from asthma, as well as if the child is under 2 years old.

Head Lice Treatment

There are many ways to get rid of parasites. Most of them come down to applying the mixture to the hair and then combing nits. You can do it yourself or with the help of specialists. An important point is and sanitary treatment of the apartment: bedding, tools, hairbrushes, hair ornaments, hats. If lice are found in at least one family member, all members of the household need checking and preventive treatment.

Features of the treatment of pediculosis in specialized companies

Inspection for the presence of lice
Inspection for the presence of lice

In large cities, there are companies whose specialization is the treatment of head lice. By calling the operator, the patient agrees on the time of the procedure. Events for the removal of parasites are carried out at home by the client, no preparation for the arrival of specialists is required.

The advantages of contacting the company:

  • treatment of lice and nits in a child, adults is carried out through a special technology without the use of chemicals, so the procedure is allowed even for babies, pregnant and lactating women;
  • to remove insects, one session is enough, after which no adult, nits or larvae remain in the hair;
  • experts provide a guarantee and in the case of lice within a specified period of time spend free re-processing;
  • Children are given a certificate of the absence of parasites.

On a note!

To cure pediculosis in a specialized clinic will cost at least 1500 rubles. This amount includes the processing of one person, the inspection of all family members, recommendations for prevention and training in the technique of combing.

Rules for the treatment of head lice at home

Regardless of the means chosen, the algorithm for removing lice is the same. How to treat pediculosis:

  1. Before the procedure, it is necessary to test the drug to eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied on the elbow area or on the wrist for 1-2 hours,during which the condition of the skin and overall health is monitored.
  2. The treatment is carried out in a well ventilated area.
  3. The selected tool is distributed on the strands over the entire length. Some preparations are applied on wet curls, for the use of other hair should be carefully dried. To avoid contact with chemical components on the forehead and mucous membrane of the eye, the patient is put on a protective visor.
  4. After applying the head is covered with a plastic cap to create a greenhouse effect and speed up the process.

    Plastic bag
    Plastic bag
  5. The exposure is maintained from 15 minutes to several hours, depending on the composition of the drug and the recommendations of the manufacturer.
  6. At the end of the set time, the mixture is washed off and the hair is rinsed. acetic solution, to dissolve the adhesive substance, which nits are attached to the hair.
  7. Using a comb with frequent teeth, it is necessary to carefully comb out dead adults, larvae, nits. This is the longest and monotonous, tedious stage, but the final outcome of the event depends on it.

On a note!

Periodically clean during brushing. comb from nits using a napkin. Often at home for this purpose use a container with hot water above 70 ° C, in which the scallop is lowered and at the same time remove adhered individuals and destroy them.

Features of lice in children

Treatment of pediculosis in children has its own nuances. Babies have not yet developed a strong immunity and persistent lice bites can provoke anemia, severe allergic reactions. By virtue of their age, children do not differ by assiduity, and rarely what child under the age of 3 years will humbly sit on the chair waiting for his mother to comb out all the lice.

On a note!

Children's pediculosis in crumbs up to 2 years is most often treated in a radical way - by cutting the hair off. This technique allows you to forget about lice in one procedure and not to expose the child to the stresses associated with combing nits.

Lice in children-1
Lice in children

When choosing pediculicides for children, you should carefully study the instructions, which indicate the age limit, the possible manifestations of side effects, the time keeping the mixture on the head.

For removing lice in children, you should pay attention to the series Nit Free (Nit Free),a distinctive feature of which is the absence of toxic chemical compounds in the composition:

  • NitFree shampoo for lice and nits contains composition aromatic oilsIt has a pleasant mint smell. Effectively fights parasites. Suitable for daily use and can be used not only as a therapeutic, but also prophylactic. The price of a bottle of 237 ml 1090 rubles.
  • Neath Free Oil covers nimble adults with an oil film, as a result of which the parasite suffocates and dies. Facilitates combing insects and nits. According to the manufacturers, one treatment is often enough to completely get rid of lice. The price of a bottle is 1090 rubles.
  • Spray detection nits - for light and dark hair has developed a separate type of drug. When sprayed on the hair, nits are highlighted with a bright pink shade, making them easy to find and comb. The price is 1200 rubles.
Shampoo Veda-2
Shampoo Veda-2

Also, children use pedicuclear medications:

TitleAge of childPrice in rubles
Veda 2from 5 years170
Pedilin shampoofrom 2 years70
Pair Plus Aerosolfrom 2.5 years550
Pedikulen Ultra Lotionfrom 5 years160
Medifox concentratefrom 1 year115
Pedex gelfrom 2 monthsCurrently not delivered to Russia
Nixfrom 6 months600

Pharmaceutical drugs to combat parasites

Pediculosis medications are available without a prescription. They are presented as shampoo, ointments, sprays, lotions. Conventionally, all funds are divided into 2 categories:

  • Preparations based on insecticidal compounds: fenthion, permethrin, malathion, pyrethroids. They have a negative effect on the nervous system of insects, which leads to their death. Effective against adults, larvae. The main drawback is the lack of ovicidal properties, that is, they do not affect nits. Therefore, for complete disposal of lice re-treatment is necessary.
    Treatment of pediculosis in a child with drugs from this series is possible from 2-5 years, depending on the manufacturer. Women during pregnancy, lactation, as well as people with dermatological diagnoses use insecticides is contraindicated.
  • Pediculicidal agents based on dimethicone and cyclomethicone after application envelop the parasites with the thinnest silicone film, blocking the flow of air, which leads to their immobilization and further death.In comparison with drugs that contain insecticidal components, this series is safer to use and less likely to provoke allergic reactions.

Treatment of pediculosis at home is carried out with the help of the following drugs:

  • Medifox series represented by gel and concentrate. The effective component is permethrin. On hair is aged for about 30 minutes;
  • Pair Plus - an effective remedy against lice at all stages of development is produced in the form of an aerosol;

    Aerosol Vapor Plus
    Aerosol Vapor Plus
  • Pedilin is produced in the form of a gel, concentrate, emulsion. It consists of 2 insecticides, effectively acting on lice and nits;
  • Nuda remedy;
  • Paranit based on mineral oils, it suffocates the parasites;
  • benzyl benzoate;
  • shampoo and spray lavinal lice and nits;
  • Nok - shampoo for removing lice, even during pregnancy;
  • Sumitrin Hygia - insecticidal shampoo;
  • Reed Nix, Veda - detergents for getting rid of lice.

This is not a complete list of all the tools that the modern pharmaceutical industry produces for adults and children.

Traditional methods of treatment of head lice

Treatment of pediculosis in adults and children can be carried out with the use of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been proven by time. Not all of them can boast of security.

On a note!

Techniques like getting rid of lice with kerosene or Dichlorvos can do more harm than good, so they can only be considered for informational purposes only. To use them for the treatment of children is strictly prohibited.

However, there are folk remedies for pediculosis that deserve attention.

Vinegar against lice

Lice vinegar
Lice vinegar

The classic version of the preparation of vinegar solution involves mixing 2 parts of water at room temperature and one part of table, apple or wine vinegar 9%. If desired, add a few drops. tea tree essential oil. Then the following actions are carried out:

  • process the mixture strands over the entire length, to speed up the process, it can be applied by means of a thin towel moistened in acetic solution;
  • cover with polyethylene and hold for 30 minutes to an hour;
  • comb out parasites with a comb.

Repeated procedure is carried out in 3-4 days.Vinegar can be used to treat children over 5 years old, provided that they do not have an individual intolerance to the dining room seasoning.

Birch tar against pediculosis

Tar soap or shampoo with the same name have a characteristic specific aroma. Means based on tar have antiparasitic, antibacterial and drying effect, relieve itching. Elimination of lice in children is carried out only after a test for possible allergic reactions. The procedure for the treatment of pediculosis is identical to the vinegar method, only in this case, not vinegar, but foam of tar soap is applied to the hair.

On a note!

Previously enjoyed popularity dust lice soap. But later this remedy was found to be hazardous to health.

Chemerichnaya water

The tincture is prepared from a poisonous plant with the addition of alcohol. Kind of strong toxicity cemerica water not used to treat children younger than 12 years old, as well as if there is damage to the skin in the form of abrasions, scratches, wounds. The tool is applied to the hair, avoiding direct contact with the scalp. The treated hair is covered with a plastic cap.After 10-30 minutes, wash the hellebore water from the head and comb out the nits and dead lice.

Chemerichnaya water
Chemerichnaya water


Chemerichna water is very poisonous and is used only for external use. Even a small drop in the body can cause a fatal outcome. If there are such signs: convulsions, dizziness, increased heartbeat, you should immediately seek medical help.

Prevention of pediculosis is reduced to the regular examination of children in preschool and school institutions. It is also necessary to carry out explanatory work to your child so that he does not change headgear, does not lend other people's combs.

Pubic Pediculosis

Pubic pediculosis (ftiriazu) is more likely to be adults than children. Pubic louse lives in pubic hair, in the anus, in the armpits. Children can live on eyelashesbrows. The insect does not differ in special mobility and more often sits motionless in close proximity to skin. By growing hair, you can determine the approximate time of occurrence of lice. An adult insect is capable of falling into a state close to anabiosis.

On a note!

Most infections occur as a result of sexual contact. Therefore, the venereologist may prescribe the most effective treatment methods, since the pubic lice often comes with venereal diseases.

Pubic louses-1
Pubic lice

You can become infected with ploshchitsy as a result of contact with the carrier's things: towels, bedding. In this way, pubic lice are transferred to children. The possibility of infestation in swimming pools, sun beds, on the beaches is not excluded.

Symptoms of pubic lice:

  • the appearance of severe itching;
  • bluish spots on the affected areas;
  • irritation, redness, eczema;
  • brown dots - excrement lice on underwear.

The easiest way of treatment is to shave "vegetation". If, on the other hand, there is no desire to part with the hair, anti-pediculosis remedies are used: ointments, creams, and lotions.

Ward headache

Cootie she spends most of her time in clothes; she is present at a person only during the meal. It is also called underwear, bed. Bites any open areas of the body that are in contact with things. The parasite with the same zeal parasitizes on both adults and children. Linen lice bites painful and often confused with traces bed bugs bites. The main condition for the parasite habitat is a rare change of linen, clothes and comfortable temperature conditions.

Linen lice
Linen lice

Treatment of ward lice consists of two stages:

  • hygienic procedure using a washcloth and detergent;
  • sanitizing things with insecticidal drugs, high or low temperatures.

In order to get rid of bed liceYou can pack contaminated clothes in bags and hold them for 2-3 weeks. During this time ward parasites will die.

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