What to do if a child has lice

Pediculosis widespread among children of different ages. The main reason is careless lifestyle, ignorance, unfavorable environment of the child. For every mother, the lice of her child is a real nightmare.Having identified parasites, not every parent knows what to do if a child has lice.

Clarification of the causes of pediculosis in a child

Hair infection in children most often occurs in a public place. To pick up louse, you need contact with the hair of a sick child, an adult or his things. Set the truth how lice were transmitted, it is necessary not for the sake of interest or justice, but to prevent re-infection.

Report the situation to the class teacher, kindergarten teacher. The focus of the disease may be in the class group. Medical professionals are required to examine the hair of all children. Each of them must undergo preventive measures. The baby has lice may first appear when visiting a kindergarten. Up to 1 year pediculosis is extremely rare.

On a note!

The main focus of the examination is on the identification of louse eggs - nits. Since the adult louse has small sizes, it moves quickly, adapts to the hair, it is very difficult to notice it. Nits are always located closer to the hair roots on the back of the head, temples, forehead. How do lice and nits, you can consider in detail in the photo.

The choice of treatment methods for children

Pediculosis Remedies
Pediculosis Remedies

It is necessary to decide what methods to conduct fight against parasites. Children lice can infect at any age. Most professional drugs have limitations up to 3 years. Fight pediculosis at an earlier age folk remedies, nits clean comb.


The most convenient drug for lice, nits is a special pediculicidal shampoo. It is used at home as a habitual hair care product. If lice start up, moms run to the pharmacy in search of shampoos.

The composition includes insecticide in small doses - permethrin, malathion, phenotrin. For a man, he is safe, louse kills in 10-20 minutes. But there may be side effects in the form of skin irritation, allergic reactions, vomiting, nausea. Because of this, some mothers do not want to use these drugs to their children.

There are also therapeutic shampoos that kill the louse for 15 minutes. The composition includes acids, oils. They act like folk remedies, they do not pose any danger to the health of the child. Facilitate the process of combing nits.

In addition to shampoos, they produce drugs for the treatment of pediculosis in children in the form of a cream, lotion, spraythe solution ointment.

Put on hair, wait for the time specified in the instructions, wash off. Photos of how it looks can be viewed below.


Lice medicine
Lice medicine

The second group of effective pharmaceutical drugs for lice, nits include topical drugs. These include:

The child’s hair is treated according to the instructions, a special cap or plastic bag is put on the head, and they wait for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. It is necessary to treat in 2 doses with a break of 10-14 days. If adults continue to detect lice in a child after double treatment, you should seek help from a specialist.

Folk remedies

An extensive group whose recipes are handed down from generation to generation. Some of them are as effective as professional preparations.The active ingredients are strongly smelling substances, juices of berries, fruits, vegetables, decoctions of plants, oils, and other natural ingredients.

Folk methods
Folk methods
  • Vinegar. In 250 ml of wine, apple cider vinegar add 50 g of salt, 5 ml of alcohol. Moisten gauze, cover the head. Repeat throughout the day as the gauze dries. Acts on louse nits.
  • Elecampane. The plant is ground together with the root. 5 tbsp. spoon potion pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist half an hour. Handle the scalp, hair. Put on the package. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  • Geranium oil Add 5 drops to regular shampoo. Wash their heads. The procedure is carried out daily during the week.
  • Pomegranate juice 2 tbsp. spoonful of peppermint pour 200 ml of pomegranate juice. Boil 10 minutes. Cool, process the head. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  • Tar soap. Moisten hair, lather with soap and soap, put on a bag, leave for 30 minutes. Similarly applies dust lice soap, but due to its strong toxicity, it was ceased to be released ..
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Moisten hair. Leave under the package for 20 minutes. The tool is more suitable for teenage girls with blond hair. Quickly destroys the adhesive substance nits.
  • Oils. Use tea tree oil or anise.Diluted in a ratio of 1: 8 with olive, sunflower oil. Put on hair, muffled for 40 minutes.

On a note!

To relieve brushing procedure, the child's hair is rinsed with a solution of vinegar, citric acid. For 1 l add 200 ml of vinegar or lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of acid.

Features of the fight against pediculosis in children

Lice in an adult appear much less frequently than in children. Several factors contribute to this - adults behave more carefully, know what to do after contact with an infected person.

Bring lice and nits in a child at the initial stage can not, because he does not attach much importance lice bites, itching on the head, and accidentally caught louse perceived as an ordinary bug. Mom begins to sound the alarm, when the child is already itching, wounds appear on her head.

Lice in children can be destroyed for 1 procedure with the use of pharmaceutical, folk remedies. The main difficulty is getting rid of parasite eggs. Nits are attached to the hair with a special adhesive substance. Under the influence of oxygen, it hardens, ensures reliable fixation. Nits are not washed off with shampoo, do not clean comb.Remain on the hair even after the release of the larvae in the light.

The egg shell is so dense that no insecticidal agent has the desired effect. The only effective method from nits is combing.


Some folk remedies can destroy the sticky nits. Eggs are literally showered with hair from the touch of a comb. Get rid of parasites can be a few procedures for thorough combing. It is recommended to use comb against lice.

A highly effective tool and a thorough combing procedure does not provide a 100% guarantee after a single treatment. The size of nits is only 1 mm. You can skip a couple of pieces, in 14 days there will be a new population of lice. In order to avoid this, regardless of what means were used to fight insects, they are re-processed after 7 days.

Signs of Pediculosis
Signs of Pediculosis

Additional events

Head louse lives only on the head, but can periodically travel. For 1 minute, an adult louse is able to cover a distance of 35 cm. If a child has lice, the whole family will be infected within a few days.

The structure of the body of parasites allows them to move only on a rough surface. Once on the collar of clothes, can crawl on the floor, bed. Louse lives without food about 2 days. Lice appeared on the head, there are questions about the room, bedding, things.

What to do with the bed:

  • Bedding should be thoroughly washed in water over 65 ° C, dried, ironed with an iron with steam. Lice and nits die at temperatures above 45 ° C.
  • Change bedding on the bed 7 days after the head has been re-treated.

What to do with things - it is not necessary to unload everything from the cabinets, to erase everything, to iron if there is a louse on the head. It is necessary to pay attention to those things that the child wore for 1 month before detecting the disease.

What to do with the house - lice are not able to live, to lay eggs in pillows, carpets, furniture, interior items. It is worth holding a full sanitary treatment of the apartment with washing the floors on the day of treatment of the head, again after 7 days. In case the louse falls.

When pediculosis in children are at risk for adults.It is necessary to take measures in a timely manner, not to release the situation out of control.

Lice from the whole family

Incubation period Lasts about 2 weeks. While 1 louse lives on the head, its bites are practically not felt. Periodic itching on the head does not bother anyone especially until the unpleasant symptoms begin to worsen over time.


Itching for pediculosis is an allergic reaction of the body to a special substance that injects lice when it bites to thin the blood. A new offspring appears after 10-14 days, immediately begins to parasitize. It is at this moment that noticeable bites appear, all lice symptoms.

It is necessary to combat family pediculosis at the same time to all members. It is necessary to process the head and those individuals, on whose head a living louse is not found, there are no signs of nits. The method is chosen based on the individual characteristics of the organism, age.

Lice removal procedure

Fight against head lice
Fight against head lice

Whatever means the mother chooses for pediculosis treatment in a child, you need to initially conduct a sensitivity test. Tender baby skin can react to any component with a severe allergic reaction.

  • A small amount of funds applied to the elbow bend, leave for 60 minutes. Observe the condition of the skin, the well-being of the child. If there are any unusual manifestations, you should abandon the use of the drug.
  • During the treatment of the head you need to ensure that the tool does not fall into the eyes, mucous mouth, nose. It is necessary to put on a special cloth bandage on the forehead or to make it yourself from the kerchief.
  • It is necessary to process the head in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. Open the window, window. The sharp smell of the drug can cause dizziness, nausea.
  • Pre-combed hair, divided into strands. Handle from root to tip.
  • Put on a plastic cap, package. Top tie a towel. High temperature activates the reaction of active ingredients, will block the oxygen to insects.
  • You can not keep the mixture on the hair longer than the specified time. The average procedure is 30 minutes. When a strong burning sensation, itching, other unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately wash off the composition, without waiting for the end of the recommended time.

Dry hair, begin the procedure of combing nits.Lice on the long hair of a child are displayed in a similar way. But you have to tinker with the procedure of getting rid of eggs.

Nits removal procedure

The child nits are located at a distance of 1-5 cm from the roots of the hair. The procedure of combing can be very painful and long. To ease the plight of a little baby, you must first prepare the hair. Use tools to destroy the adhesive substance nits.

Use special combs from nits with frequent teeth. The design of the comb allows you to quickly comb out parasites, does not damage the scalp, does not injure hair. Often a special comb is sold complete with a means of pediculosis.


To prevent lice from appearing, it is recommended to follow simple rules of behavior:

  • use only your comb;
  • do not change things, hats;
  • to hang up outerwear, turning inside out;
  • go to bed with clean, washed laundry.

For nits and lice prevention It is recommended to add 3 drops of essential oil of geranium, peppermint, lavender, tea tree, lemon to regular shampoo for children. The protection is valid while the fragrance is present.

If a child has lice, you should not remember how pediculosis was removed during the reign of Tsar Pea. There are many modern drugs that allow to get rid of lice in 2 procedures at intervals of 1 week. Comb nits, dead lice can be a special comb.

If lice are not displayed, it is worth asking for help from a pediatrician. Frequent infections indicate a weak immunity of the child, unfavorable environment. The source of infection should be sought by the appropriate authorities.

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Bed bugs

