Pubic Lice Symptoms and Treatment

Pubic lice - a type of parasite that lives exclusively on humans. Most people do not advertise this problem. Sometimes embarrassment and shame, especially for women, do not allow to seek qualified help from a doctor. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of pubic lice at home, does not lose its relevance.

Description of the culprit of infection

Infection by pubic parasites (ploshchitsymi) in medical circles is referred to as phthyriasis. Ploshchitschiki infestations are more likely to be adults and only in rare cases children. The favorite habitats are the areas in which the apocrine glands are concentrated:

  • genital area: pubis, scrotum;
  • hairs near the anus;
  • armpit.

Male pubic lice may settle in the groin, on the hair part of the abdomen, chest, and on the mustache. In children, the parasite settles on eyelashesbrows.

The causative agent of phthyriasis, the human pubic louse, is tiny in size. The length of the female's calf barely reaches 3 mm, males and even less - 1-2 mm, therefore, it is almost impossible to examine insects with the naked eye, as well as determine sexual dimorphism. Slippers look like miniature crabs. Their legs are adapted for movement only through the hair with a triangular cross-section, so they live in hair or on clothes like others lice subspecies, they can not a priori.

They feed exclusively on blood at least 2 times a day. The interval between meals is not more than 12 hours. How many lice livedepends on habitat conditions. Without food, inguinal lice die after 24 hours. Under certain conditions, being outside the body, they are able to fall into a state close to anabiosis and remain in it for several months.

Thyroid gland
Thyroid gland

Pubic lice are not characterized by special mobility, firmly attached to the base of the hair closer to the skin, immersed in his mouth apparatus and can stay in one place for several days. Females lay eggs - nits. Using adhesive substances, they are attached to the hairs so strongly that it is not possible to wash them off with water.

On a note!

During its life, the female individual lays about 50 eggs, which is significantly less compared to the fertile female head lice.

A week later, a young generation emerges from the eggs. Pubic lice larvae differ from their parents only in size and better survival. Without food, they save life for 7 days. Empty shell nits and continue to remain on the hairs, over time they become thinner and destroyed. So that the larva of the pubic louse becomes mature and can proceed to mating and breeding10 days are enough for her.

Diagnosis of the disease

Incubation period Lasts about 25-30 days. With the appearance of the first settlers, the symptoms of pubic lice do not appear. Their number is still so insignificant that a person does not experience any discomfort and does not suspect that he has ectoparasites. When the lice have settled down properly, they have substantially replenished their ranks, the following symptoms of pubic lice appear:

  • the appearance of severe itching in the area of ​​infection caused by lice bites;
  • bluish spots on the skin up to 1 cm in diameter, caused by a lack of hemoglobin in the affected area or by the introduction of parasite saliva, which has a protein structure and contributes to the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • tiny brown spots on underwear are another sign of the presence of blood-sucking insects in the intimate area.
Symptoms of pubic lice
Symptoms of pubic lice

When the disease becomes pronounced, pathogens themselves can be detected on the underwear - small lice, which are easiest to detect after they have had a rest. In this state, they acquire a brown-rusty tint.With numerous accumulations of pubic parasites, itching can become unbearable, which leads to severe scratching and infection of wounds. On the affected areas, pubic hair is glued together in tight buns.

On a note!

In women, intimate pediculosis is localized in the pubic area and may be accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin. In men, in the presence of thick hair on the abdomen and thighs, thyriaz also extends to these areas.

Having identified the parasites, the question of where the pubic lice comes from is involuntarily. In most cases, infection occurs after close contact with the carrier. Intimacy with an infected person, contact, use of someone else's bedding - the main causes of pubic lice.

The insect is distinguished by its survival in water, so the possibility that phthyriasis is transmitted by water after a simultaneous bath with the primary host of the parasites cannot be ruled out. Visiting saunas, baths, beaches, and overnight stays in a dubious hotel are still possible ways to get pubic lice.


What is Mandawosh, I know firsthand.A couple of weeks after the tumultuous party, I began to experience a severe itching. Ways of transmission, methods of treatment and how to get rid of itching, were eloquently described by Yura Khoy, the lead singer of the Gaza Strip group in the song “Viper Egg”. Since I live in a sovok-type hostel, where the shower is at the end of the corridor, there was no need to think about applying all kinds of shampoos there. Therefore, I chose the most reliable and fast tool - a razor. The method has only one side effect - a week after the shave, the same intense itching appears as with the appearance of parasites.

George, Volgograd

How to cure phthyriasis

Treatment of pubic lice involves a number of procedures not only for the patient, but also for the sexual partner. The best option is to contact a dermatologist or venereologist. The specialist will not only prescribe a competent treatment for pubic lice, but will also conduct an examination to detect other sexually transmitted diseases in sexually transmitted diseases.

Dump pubic lice can be at home. Use better pharmaceutical preparations for lice. They come in the form shampoo, concentrates, sprays, ointments.

Folk ways do not differ in safety. Kerosene, vinegar, cemerica water, hydrogen peroxide can severely damage the delicate skin and mucous genitalia. The only remedy that adherents of popular therapy can use without worrying about the consequences is tar soap.

Pediculosis of the genital organs is cured by epilation. To do this, you need a shaving foam, a razor and an alcohol solution to disinfect the skin after the procedure. By removing all vegetation, at the same time succeed get rid of lice, as they live only on the hair.

On a note!

Fashion for intimate haircuts endangers the appearance of pubic lice.

If for any reason it is not possible to shave off the hair, it is necessary to purchase anti-pediculent drugs at the pharmacy and conduct a course of procedures at home.

Effective drugs

Phthyriasis Drugs
Phthyriasis Drugs

Pediculosis of the genital organs is not a sentence. And although the process of excretion is somewhat different from getting rid of head lice because comb nits The comb in the genital area is unlikely to be possible, it is possible to cure phthyriasis in several procedures. How to treat pubic lice:

  • Medyfox - is produced in the form of concentrates, which before use must be diluted with water in accordance with the instructions. The composition includes permethrin, alcohol, castor oil. Apply through a cotton swab to infected areas. Means is aged up to 20 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with plenty of water. The drug does not possess ovicidal action and does not destroy nits. Therefore, after 7 days is repeated treatment.
  • Nittifor - solution, ready for application. It is used similarly to the previous tool.
  • Pedilin is an effective remedy for pubic lice and nits based on permethrin. The active substance blocks the work of the insect's nervous system, which causes its paralysis and subsequent death. The shampoo is applied on wet hair, after 10 minutes it is washed off with warm water. Repeat the procedure can be no earlier than a week.
  • Veda - shampoo for pubic lice. The drug does not require dilution and is applied to wet hair. The exposure is maintained for 10 minutes, after which the product and the dead insects should be washed off with water.
  • Nix - German pubic lice ointment containing permethrin.The cream is evenly distributed on the moistened hair. For ease of application, you can use a special spatula, which is usually attached to creams for hair removal. After 10 minutes, remove the drug and the killed individuals.
  • Paranit - Spray from pubic lice on the basis of Dimethicone. When applied silicone compounds envelop the parasites with a thin film, which leads to their strangulation and death. The aerosol is sprayed onto dry hair and washed off after 20-30 minutes. Similarly acts and Nuda remedy.

To get rid of pubic lice, in addition to carrying out hygienic procedures, you should daily change your underwear, bedding, towels, carry out sanitary treatment of the apartment. Things need to be treated with disinfectant solutions, washed at the highest possible temperatures and ironed with a hot iron.

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