Subcutaneous lice in humans on the body and head
- Subcutaneous lice
- Types of lice
- Subcutaneous lice
- Benzyl Benzoate Remedy
- Sulfuric ointment
Head lice - parasitic insects with which mankind has been fighting since ancient times. The appearance of pests is accompanied not only by severe itching, but also sometimes by a complex for fear that others will notice insects. There are many beliefs that lice can live even under the skin of a person. The larvae of parasites are present in the human body in the same way as bacteria.And in the presence of a stressful situation or a long-term illness, subcutaneous lice are activated, getting out. Is it true that lice live under the skin of the head, this article will tell.
Do lice live under the skin?
Many wonder if lice can live under the scalp. Science today knows about 400 species of lice, and none of them can penetrate under the skin. Subcutaneous lice - as people often call scabies mites, or as they are called scabies itchy. The body size of these parasites is much smaller than that of lice (no more than 400 microns). Therefore, to consider itch itch without a microscope is very difficult.
Those and other representatives of the general signs are much smaller than the differences. They differ not only in the morphological structure, but also in the way of life and the way of food.
Like all his fellows, the subcutaneous mite has 8 limbs, but the human louse is only 6. The epidermis serves as food for the pathogens of the scabies: when the females gnaw through the skin, the females even lay eggs there. As a result, liquid-filled blisters and redness may appear on the body, accompanied by severe itching.Below is a photo of subcutaneous lice in humans on the body.
But head louse or pubic louse This cannot be done because of the completely different structure of the oral apparatus. It can only pierce the skin to reach the blood vessel. After all, lice feeds exclusively on human blood. The special structure of the paws allows the parasite to stay on the hair.
Reproduction of subcutaneous lice is inherently unique. Fertilized mites on top of the skin. After that, the male representatives die, and the females go to the construction of labyrinths, in which they make masonry. During the day, the female lays no more than 4 eggs, of which after 2 days the larvae appear. In adult individuals, young offspring are transformed by the occurrence of two molts. In total, the formation process takes no more than 15 days. The female itself lives no more than 1.5 months.
Due to the fact that subcutaneous lice are carriers of dangerous diseases, it is necessary to treat scabies in a timely manner.
Signs of infection
When infected with a subcutaneous mite, the same signs can be observed as with pediculosis.However, both diseases have significant differences. Symptoms of subcutaneous lice are as follows:
- Habitats - itch mites or so-called subcutaneous lice in humans mainly affect the stomach, sides, gluteal and elbow zones, that is, those places where the hairline is insignificant or completely absent. On the head, they almost never occur. An exception may be the chin and back of the neck, as well as the face of children. Photos of subcutaneous lice on the head can be seen below. Human lice live mainly on the head and in the pubic area, with which the names of the parasites are connected.
- The absence of characteristic bite marks also indicates the presence of scabies itching. Otherwise, you can diagnose pediculosis.
- The strokes that make subcutaneous lice in the skin. They are very easy to feel with your fingers.
Whatever the symptoms were, only a doctor is able to diagnose their manifestation.
How to remove subcutaneous lice
Treatment of subcutaneous lice should be carried out simultaneously for all households caught in the site of infection. The medications prescribed by the doctor are rubbed by the hands without using gloves.
Equally important in this situation is the processing of clothes and bedding. They should be boiled for 10-15 minutes, and then subjected to heat treatment. It is also necessary to process the bed. To do this, you can use a hot iron or steam generator.
Things that can not be boiled, get rid of scabies mites as follows. They are put in a plastic bag, and hang out on the street. There the clothes should be more than 5-7 days. That is how long it takes to subcutaneous lice died of hunger. Similarly, the transmission of the disease from one person to another: hungry ticks in search of the source of food can choose another victim, crawling from infected things.
On a note!
Poor handling of things and lingerie from lice can be a consequence of re-infection, even when using an effective means.
Remedies for scabies
Anyone who has encountered such a problem is interested in how to cure subcutaneous lice. However, do not worry too much about this, as scabies is a completely treatable disease. The main thing is compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.With the right treatment, it is possible to get rid of the scabies mite within 10-14 days. Depending on the type of preparation, from 2 to 7 disinsection procedures can be carried out. On average, treatment for adult lice requires about 50 ml.
Spregal is a drug that effectively fights against subcutaneous mites and their eggs. Destruction of itch mites can be achieved with just one treatment. However, to achieve maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends to repeat the procedure after 3 days.
Benzyl benzoate
One of the most famous and effective drugs in the fight against parasites, which is available in the form of an emulsion and ointment. Benzyl benzoate well absorbed, not leaving stains on clothes. Pleases and its affordable cost - in the range of 70-80 rubles.
A person infected with scabies needs to take a warm shower, trying to wash off as many parasites as possible. After that, the massage is applied to the surface of the skin with massaging movements. You can get ready for bed after the ointment is absorbed. After an incident of 12 hours, it is necessary to take water treatments again to eliminate unpleasant odors and pathogens.organisms. Replacement of bed linen and personal items is required. After 3 days, pest control should be repeated.
Permethrin cream is in great demand among consumers. It is easy to treat them with scabies. You also need two treatments that should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.
Sulfuric ointment
Drug for the treatment of scabies, time-tested. The tool is applied to the damaged skin for 7 days. The disadvantages of the drug is its peculiar smell and traces after application. It is these factors that caused the rare use of sulfuric ointment.
Only the correct diagnosis and timely treatment with effective drugs will help to quickly get rid of subcutaneous lice.