What dreams of nits on the dream book

Nits and lice - the most unpleasant creatures that cause a person to disgust, disgust, fear. The parasites seen in a dream lead to confusion, make them nervous, guessing what the nits dream about.

For Hood or Good

Adult lice in dream books are called money forerunners. They promise profits, receiving wages, bonuses, gifts in the form of paper notes.In a negative sense, insects warn of money spending, losses, financial failures, credit debt, and the like.

Lice eggs are treated in the dream book in a similar way, but with some amendments. In a positive sense - cash prospects, receiving a large amount of money in the near future, but not immediately. In the negative aspect - unrealized plans in the field of money, failed projects, the return of credit, the payment of interest, the return of debts.

Lice and nits
Lice and nits


Widespread dream books - Miller, Vanga, Tsvetkov, Hasse, Nostradamus, interpret dreams as identical, which happens rarely. It remains to figure out in which cases the dream foreshadows good, in which it is bad.

Positive sleep with nits

In the morning after a dream with parasites, the feeling will not be very. The question of what dreams nits on my head, does not give rest. Do not panic ahead of time! We need to remember all the details, the environment, circumstances, look into the dream book.

  • Nits on the dream book on his head - a good sign, which predicts the receipt of monetary reward. From where help comes, look around. Play the role of people present in a dream.Relatives, acquaintances, boss, partner, friends, colleagues, unfamiliar persons.
  • Dreams of nits in another person, fear of being infected. According to the dream book, it is planned to succeed in money matters with another person, but will not bypass the side and the sleeper.
  • To dream of nits in a dog. Dream Interpretation warns - financial assistance should be expected from a faithful friend, relative, close person.
  • Squeeze the nits in a dream - getting the money you have been waiting for. The time has come to realize the financial plans. There is blood - help from blood relatives.
  • Comb out parasites from long hair - getting money after a long trip. Profit from business, from a successful project.
Combing lice and nits
Combing lice and nits

Parasite vision is one of the best dreams that is responsible for financial well-being. What dreams of nits and lice - to a cash reward, long-term plans, new beginnings.

Negative dream with lice eggs

Negative sleep is always associated with dirt, blood, scary animals. You can see the values ​​in different dream books. Their interpretation boils down to one thing:

  • Nits dream on the hair on a dirty head.Dream Interpretation warns - plans are not destined to come true, there will be serious obstacles associated with finances. The project is a failure, will not receive support from partners and investors.
  • Nits in my head with sores, blood, scratches. Relatives who were hoped to receive financial assistance, recently refused, change their mind.
  • Lice eggs on a cat - the most unpleasant dream that spells mental anguish, a feeling of emptiness, betrayal, regret. Not just a crash, a painful crash.
  • Dreamed nits on a shabby dog ​​- at the last moment a friend, partner, let you down.
  • Larvae of lice in a strange head of an individual with an unpleasant appearance - receiving money from investors, lenders with unfavorable conditions, at high interest rates. Requirements borrowers give money.
    Lice and nits
    Lice and nits
  • Trying to push the nits. It is impossible to crush - the plans did not come true. Money to get will not work. Dividends will freeze, interest on the deposit will not give out vacation pay, will delay wages and so on.
  • To see nits in a dream in bed - failures in money are associated with the actions of a loved one, spouse, lover.
  • Empty eggs - the plans do not come true, the money will not be received.
  • Nits on the hair of a child. A stranger - soon problems with finances, his own - will have to solve children's problems with money.

Vision warns of negative events, provides an opportunity to prepare morally. Avoid everything, it will not work. It does not depend on what day of the week I had a dream. The exception is the dream that dreamed not at night, but during the day rest.

Senseless sleep with parasites

A dream means nothing if the day before is a person lice the child, myself, other people. The psyche reacted so strongly to these events that the pictures began to appear on a subconscious level in a dream. You just need to forget your feelings, do not overload with the interpretation.

An interesting interpretation of Freud


The scientist reduced all dreams to sex life. The appearance of pediculosis in a dream, he explained by the presence in the life of a person of problems in his personal life. The dream foreshadows a quick sexual relationship after a long abstinence. Lice eggs in the hair - thoughts of a rich sexual partner. If the eggs appear larvae - familiarity with the wealthy person will take place.

In a dream, lice and nits are a nice sign. After what you see you need to enjoy life, wait for financial well-being. A negative dream with eggs of lice is a warning about financial problems that will be a lesson for the future. but dreams with fleas and lice promise less attractive prospects.

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Bed bugs

