How to distinguish lice and nits from dandruff

The head itches, hair looks untidy in the presence of light grains. In humans, there are several assumptions - dandruff, nits. Diseases are not related to each other, have different causes of development. Different and methods of struggle. How to distinguish dandruff from nits, what tools to use.

Dandruff concept

The syndrome described in medicine as enhanced detachment of scalp particles over a long period of time.The pathological condition is caused by a violation of the processes of exfoliating the upper cornified layer of the head, due to the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands.

Scales of different shapes cover the hair along the entire length, but most accumulate in the upper part. They are especially visible on dark curls. The head is dotted with small particles that fall off easily when combing, when touched by hand.

Pathology is not contagious unless it is caused by the multiplication of pathogens. Some serious dermatological diseases are accompanied by dandruff, transmitted through exfoliated scalp scales.

On a note!

Dandruff occurs on dry skin due to lack of natural fat. Accompanied by itching, feeling of tightness of the scalp, dry hair, split ends. On a fat cover owing to excessive allocation of fat, reproduction of microorganisms. Hair grows fatter 2 hours after washing the head, stick together, look untidy.

Who are nits

Nits or dandruff
Nits or dandruff

Pediculosis spread lice. Small insects with a body length of not more than 4 mm. The disease develops rapidly due to its natural physiological ability - rapid breeding parasites. Daily louse lays about 4 eggs, which are called nits.

Eggs about 1 mm in size have an oblong shape, white-gray color. Attached to the hair on the head with a special adhesive substance. Under the action of oxygen, it quickly hardens, providing nits reliable fixation. Initially located at a distance of 1 cm from the roots. As hair grows, it turns out on different parts of the head. What are the nits and lice on the headshows a photo.

On a note!

You can see the structure of nits only under a microscope using a magnifying glass. Oblong shape with a lid at the base. Dark formations inside - larvae. The larvae develop about 14 days. They gnaw a lid, get out. The shell remains on the hair.

Differences in location

Dandruff and lice cause identical symptoms - severe itching. In the first case, it is enough to scratch a little to get rid of the unpleasant feeling, in the second case they are torn to the blood. But the main a symptom of pediculosis is only the presence of live lice and their eggs on the head.

Lice or dandruff can be determined by the arrangement of white particles on the head.

  • Insects lay eggs in the warmest places on the head - the back of the head, temples, forehead. When lice are detected, they begin to examine these parts of the head. Since the hair grows every day, nits are located at a distance of 1 - 4 cm from the roots. The location of lice eggs depends on how long the parasites are on the head.
  • Dandruff exfoliates during combing, touching the scalp with your hands. Most of the scales are located in the upper part - on the crown. Gradually, the particles slip. Over time, they are even on their shoulders.

Since lice are able to creep across the entire surface of the head, they can also be confused with larger scales of exfoliated skin. How to distinguish dandruff from lice in this case - only in appearance.

You can visually see the picture in the photo of dandruff and lice.

Difference pediculosis
Difference pediculosis

Nits or dandruff - how to distinguish

To carefully examine the head, hair, you must choose a well-lit place, equip with a magnifying glass, a comb with small teeth. Determining the cause requires good vision.

What is different from dandruff nits:

  1. Egg lice are always the same size - up to 1 mm in length. Scales can reach 5 mm.Exfoliate unevenly, are formed in different sizes.
  2. Nits with live lice larvae inside have a white color with gray divorces. The egg shell is translucent, you can see the presence of the creature inside. Always rounded. Empty nits change color from yellow to gray, flat. Dandruff is always white in color, uneven bulge.
  3. You can learn by sound. When you press on a live nits click heard. Exfoliated scalp does not make any sounds.
  4. It is possible to distinguish dandruff from nits by quantity. The skin always exfoliates intensely. There are many particles on the hair. The number of eggs increases every day. Only with a strong infection strands are dotted with nits along the entire length.
  5. Scales are easily shaken off, just touch it with your hand or comb. Nits are not washed off with soap and are not cleaned with a regular comb. To tear off nails from the hairs, you need to make an effort.

To distinguish lice from dandruff is easy. You can recognize by location, appearance. It is enough to devote a little time, arm yourself with the necessary tools. Explore the white grains with a magnifying glass.For a good example of photography.

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