How do I know that you have lice?

Head lice they cannot fly and jump high, but they quickly run from a sick person to a healthy one. One female instantly lays eggs, from which in a week larvae will appear. Pediculosis difficult to recognize at the initial stage. Pests skillfully hide in the hair, and few people pay attention to a light itch. It is necessary to figure out how to understand that you have lice, until the disease ruined life.

Signs of adult lice

Parasites feed on human blood. During a bite, they inject a special substance into the wound that prevents blood from clotting and causes a slight itch. Therefore, it is possible to understand that lice are infused by the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the temporal or occipital region. It is there that insects love to dwell.

To determine the head lice can be the presence of nits in the hair. Head louse attaches eggs with a sticky substance to the hair shaft. In appearance nit resembles dandruff. It is small and gray-white. But it is easy to remove dandruff flake from the hair, but the parasite's eggs are glued tightly.

On a note!

Itchy head does not always indicate the presence of parasites. It can cause allergies, seborrhea and severe stress.

The fact that the pests started up on the hair, indicate the following headache symptoms:

  • itching at night;
  • head after washing itches;
  • red dots appeared on the skin with traces of dried blood;
  • there is a feeling that someone runs through the hair.
Signs of lice
Signs of lice

If you managed to find a single individual, it is worth examining the hair. A series of photos below will help you understand what lice and nits look like. At the initial stage of insect lice will be difficult to find. But with a thorough examination it will be possible to find their eggs and traces of lice bites.

Signs of the appearance of pediculosis in a child

Children can ignore the itchy scalp and discomfort for a long time. Parents must be vigilant, because finding lice is not easy. A preventive examination will help to find out if there are lice on the child's head. Examine the hair should be once a week.

On a note!

During the inspection, use a frontal flashlight. Its light will facilitate the search for small parasites.

In the early stages of pediculosis, the child may feel a slight tingling and itching. If the baby has become restless and capricious, it is necessary to examine his hair and check the body for the presence of bites.

The following signs should alert parents:

  • a daughter or son is constantly scratching the scalp;
  • the child behaves restlessly, complains of insomnia and dizziness;
  • on the back of the head and behind the ears bite marks appeared.

Moms and dads for a long time may not even guess that the child has lice. After all insects parasitize not only on the head. The clothes louse lives among clothes, and the person is necessary to her only as the power source.Therefore, it is worth inspecting clothes.

Symptoms of ploshchitsy

Pubic and louse
Pubic and louse

Pediculosis is not only the head. Lice can be detected in the pubis, in the armpits, on eyelashes and brows. Ploschitsy infection is called phthyriasis and refers to sexually transmitted diseases.

An adult can catch pubic lice in a bath, pool or sauna. But most often the pest moves to a healthy person through sexual contact.

To determine the presence of lice of this type is easy if you know the symptoms of phthyriasis:

  1. The pest causes unbearable itching in the area of ​​the bite - the pubis and anus.
  2. In the advanced stages, you can find bite marks in the lower abdomen and on the hips.
  3. Brown spots of small size appear on underwear - these are traces of vital activity. human pubic lice.
  4. Trail from the bite ploshchitsy has a blue tint.


It is easier to see the grass crawler after feeding it. Then the insect turns a dark orange or brown color.

Find the parasite can be on the chest and abdomen. Men may notice a pest on a mustache and beard. On the head the insect does not settle.

Symptoms of lice

Cootie She chose clothes and bedding as her habitat. On the head, it is simply not able to gain a foothold. An adult may not be aware of its existence, and perceive itchy stains as an allergy.

Symptoms of lice of this type are as follows:

  • bluish specks appear throughout the body;
  • in the folds of clothes managed to recognize the lice.

Louse Bite causes the appearance of:

  • papules;
  • pigment spots;
  • blisters.

In advanced stages, pediculosis can cause fever, nausea, headache and insomnia.

This type of pediculosis is rare and it is almost impossible to find it in your home. In a clean room, a clothes louse cannot start.

How to detect head lice

To check your lice, you should inspect the hair. Testing can be done at home, if you follow simple rules:

  1. Examination for pediculosis is carried out in good light, preferably under daylight.
  2. Before inspection, you must comb your hair.
  3. Use a magnifying glass. It will facilitate the search for pests.

Search for lice must begin with the temporal part of the head. It is necessary to capture a thin strand and look at it in the light.So you should move from one temple to another. Then checked the back of the head.

On a note!

Understanding yourself whether there are lice in the hair is not easy. It is better to ask for help in this case. A close person will help identify the parasite and traces of its activity.

For each type of parasite is selected pediculosis treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish lice. Independent examination of the hairy part of the body and underwear will help detect the pest in time.

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