Why are there nits, but no lice?

Pediculosis continues to harass people, despite the huge number pharmacy drugs, folk remedies. The most vulnerable are children, adolescents. Special disturbance in adults is caused by the situation when eggs are found on the child’s hair; there are no adults. Can there be nits without lice, or should we look better?

Features of head lice

The causative agent of the disease is a small insect - louse. Body length not more than 4 mm. Parasites are transmitted from a sick person through close contact, through headgear, combs.

  • TO breeding process adults begin immediately after the last stage of nymphs. One mating is enough to fertilize all the eggs of the female. Lice lay about 4 eggs daily. Lifespan adult from 30 to 40 days.
  • Nits are attached to the hair with a sticky, sticky substance. In contact with air, it hardens, providing a strong fixation. Nits can not be washed off with shampoo, comb a regular comb. This is the main difference dandruff from nits.
  • The location of the eggs on the hair can determine the approximate time of infection. The very first masonry louse makes at a distance of 1 cm from the roots. As hair grows, it turns out on any part of the head.
  • In the egg the larva develops from 7 to 14 days. A creature resembling adult lice is born, but it is small in size - up to 1 mm. For a week, nymphs pass 3 molts. Turn into mature lice.

The incubation period of pediculosis Lasts until the birth of the first offspring - about 14 days. Nymphs begin to eat actively, appear lice bites on the scalp, severe itching.


None of the folk remedies, the pharmaceutical drug, pediculicidal shampoo unable to destroy the shell of the eggs of lice. The larvae continue to actively develop. The only effective method is combing with a special comb.

Breeding lice
Breeding lice

where they do not go even after the release of the larvae into the light. Eggs are not able to move on the head of a healthy person. Therefore, the question often arises - why are there nits, but not lice?

Causes of non-standard situations

Prevention, detection of lice are engaged in medical workers of educational institutions, parents. Scratches on the head, scratches, abrasions, do not give grounds to accurately diagnose the disease. Need to detect lice or nits. It is a puzzling situation when only the eggs of the parasites are visible on the hair, they are not there.

On a note!

Pediculosis - an insidious disease that is not so easy to identify with a brief examination of the head. Nits can be easily confused with dandruff, lice simply do not notice. There must be good lighting, a magnifying glass or a magnifying glass, a fine comb.

Human lice
Human lice
  • Head lice have a feature to tune in to the hair. Parasites are almost invisible on light, red hair. To detect adults, it is necessary to use a fine comb. Carefully comb out each strand.The situation may mean that the lice simply did not notice.
  • Before the appearance of the first offspring, it is enough to eliminate the adult, comb the eggs. If a louse is accidentally caught under the nail while combing the head, on the comb, it leaves the head. Stop the spread of pediculosis. A careful examination of the head reveals only nits.
  • A situation may arise when, with close contact with the heads, the louse crawls to a healthy person, lays several eggs, returns to its former habitat. Infection has occurred, living individuals will appear only in 10-14 days.
  • Louse hiding in hairIt moves with the help of tenacious paws. May accidentally be on a pillow, clothes, headgear. For unhappy for her, and happy for a person circumstances, she finds herself in a life-threatening situation. After 3 days of hungry existence dies. Only eggs are found on the patient's head.
  • One of the situations makes you think hard. Only detected empty nitsThere are no live parasites. This means that the fight against lice was carried out purposefully, or by accident. All living individuals died, eggs were not combed out.The situation often arises if the hair was dyed. Insofar as hydrogen peroxide treatment kills lice, eats away sticky nits.
  • Fight lice can be external means or taken inside. An insect drinks blood, receives a dose of a substance harmful to itself, dies. This effect results in the use of certain drugs, the secondary action of which a person does not even realize. The same effects have berries, fruits, vegetables. Just need to remember what got into the body for the next month.

There is nothing mysterious in the presence of nits on the head without lice. The situation is logically explicable. They did not notice during the inspection, the adult individual left her head by chance, events were held to get rid of lice. It always means that the adult was originally in the hair. There are no larvae without imago for physiological reasons.

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