Pediculosis examination algorithm

Routine examination for pediculosis is the best prevention of the spread of the disease. Lice difficult to detect because these insects are small in size and quickly hide among hair. Infected by parasites through close contact with other people. transmits lice. Therefore, it is important to timely identify and neutralize pests on the hair.

When it is necessary to conduct

Routine inspection for the presence of lice can detect the disease at an early stage and stop its development and spread.

The patient’s check is done when he has the following headache symptoms:

Patient's hair is checked using a special comb, which has frequent and long teeth.

Checking for lice
Checking for lice

How is the test for pediculosis

The child is examined in child care facilities. But parents should independently check the hair of their offspring. In this case, certain rules and procedures are not observed. It should be done in daylight, once a week, using a magnifying glass.

Examination of the scalp during detection pediculosis carried out in the following institutions:

  • medical obstetric point;
  • hospital;
  • polyclinic.

The doctor should wash his hands and wear rubber gloves before checking the patient for lice.

The inspection algorithm for pediculosis is registered in the "Protocol for patient management" and is as follows:

  1. Hair loose and combed.
  2. The doctor examines the patient using a comb and a magnifying glass. The temporal and occipital portions of the head are checked first.
  3. The patient is asked to undress to check his underwear.
  4. Other parts of the body are examined: pubis and axilla.

On a note!

If it was possible to detect the disease, the patient is isolated and filled in the form №058 / y (“Emergency notification of an infectious disease”).

After the procedure, the gloves are discarded and the comb is disinfected. At home, the comb can be immersed in medical alcohol.

How often is

There are two types of checks:

  • Planned - held at different segments of the population at certain intervals;
  • unscheduled - done when a person with pediculosis was discovered in a team.

The frequency of examination for pediculosis in children and adults is different:

  1. The procedure at the school is held once a quarter.
  2. In kindergarten and boarding school, adults and children are checked every month.
  3. People who are treated in the hospital are checked once a week.

Check for the presence of parasites must pass and those who leave for health resorts.

The following specialists can check a person:

  • family doctor;
  • dermatologist;
  • paramedic;
  • nurse;
  • therapist.

If the disease was detected, then after treatment, re-examination of patients is required. The deadline for re-inspection comes 14 days after pediculosis treatment.

Examination for pediculosis in school

In educational institutions, children's hair is checked four times a year: after each vacation. Once a month, medical workers conduct a random test of students, but at least four classes pass it.

On a note!

Children are treated at home. The school nurse may recommend going to the hospital to clarify the diagnosis and prescription of anti-parasitic drugs.

The act of checking for pediculosis in school is not drawn up. But underway special journal. It contains the following information:

  • class number;
  • inspection date;
  • the number of tested children;
  • information on cases of infection with head lice.

Students who have been found insects, to the lessons are not allowed.

Sanitary treatment of the patient


Pregnant and lactating mothers, women in labor and children under five are not allowed to be treated. The hygiene procedure is carried out in a clean, ventilated area. Medical personnel are required to process their hands.

On a note!

Without the consent of the person the procedure can not be carried out.

Sanitary treatment of the patient has the following order:

  1. The patient is seated on a couch covered with oilcloth.
  2. Hair process lice medicine, cover them with a kerchief and leave for 20 minutes. During this time head lice species dies.
  3. The patient’s head is washed, treated with vinegar 6%, leave under a towel for 20 minutes.
  4. The hair is washed with water and combed lice and nits over the paper.

This method allows you to quickly get rid of lice.

Examination and treatment of the patient takes place with his permission. Before processing the child, parental consent is taken. It is forbidden to wash the hair of babies up to five years with disinfectants.

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