Why does the head itch if there are no lice?

Many people have come across such a phenomenon as itchy scalp. And if he is worried for a long period, then there is a suspicion that hair has bred lice. After all pediculosis quite often found in our days. And besides, it is not difficult catch the lice in any crowded place: just stand in a queue, use public transport during rush hours, or visit the gym. But if during the survey signs of pediculosis still it was not possible to find out, the question why the head itches, if it is clean and without lice, arises by itself.

Causes of itching

The presence of discomfort, itching of the skin, excessively greasy epidermis indicate a malfunction of the body. If you constantly scratch itchy spots, you may experience acne and skin lesions.

On a note!

Will help to check the scalp for the presence of parasites bright light. For accurate results, you must inspect each strand separately.

If there are no lice, but the head itches, then the cause of itching can be a violation of the internal organs, fatty balance of the skin, as well as stressful situations. It is possible to find out exactly why the head itches, only after consulting with a specialist who, based on analyzes and microbiological samples of scrapings from the scalp, will make the correct diagnosis.


One of the reasons, when the head is constantly itching, is an allergy to the components that make up the hair care products for shampoo, conditioner, lacquer or mask. Such a reaction in the body can cause cosmetics or detergents, household chemicals and even products. In many women, itching symptoms are observed after dyeing the hair.This happens not only if the manufacturer’s recommendations are not followed, but also due to the indiscriminate use of coloring agents.

Dry skin

If there is no lice and dandruff, but the head still scratches, it may be due to the dryness of the skin of the head. The reason is not only improperly selected shampoo, but also its frequent use, as well as regular use of a hair dryer. This may be due to diets that restrict the intake of fatty foods.


Itchy head when dandruff appears. Problems of both external and internal nature can lead to the separation of white scales. All the same hair dryer and inappropriate hair type shampoo can contribute to peeling and peeling of small particles of skin. Dandruff can also be a manifestation of the development of fungal and endocrine diseases, as well as hormonal changes.


What can itch your head from is seborrhea. This disease is caused by a violation of the functional work of the sebaceous glands. The cause of this disease can be not only medication, but also problems with the work of internal organs, hormonal disorders and even heredity.


Head itches and because of ringworm.Children who have contact with animals, as well as attending children's institutions, are very often affected by the disease of fungal origin. Itching of the skin in this case is accompanied by inflammation and peeling of the lining, its swelling, as well as oozing ulcers and alopecia.


Demodecosis is another reason why the head itches. The causative agent of this disease is microscopic subcutaneous mite Demodexwhich is not visible to the naked eye. The habitat of the parasite is the hair follicles. Movement of the tick on the skin is accompanied by a strong tickling, which is especially enhanced at night.


If the head and neck are scratched from behind, this is not necessarily a sign of lice. Head itch may occur due to beriberi. To make sure that the lack of vitamins in the body will help handed analysis. For the treatment of beriberi, there are special vitamin complexes, due to which the human immune system quickly comes to the desired form.

Fungal diseases

A person may feel itchy skin of the head and in the event of fungal diseases.Trichophytosis, Microsporia or Favus are also accompanied by brittle hair, resulting in partial baldness.

On a note!

If a child has itchy head, then not only pediculosis, but also dermatitis, psoriasis, an allergic reaction, and even stress can be the cause of the itch. It is necessary to reconsider the psychological burden and the diet of the baby, perhaps the cause of itching are excessive loads at school, lack of time to rest, an excess of sweets and fats. Even the banal absence of a headdress can cause discomfort, as a result of which the sun's rays simply dry out the baby's scalp.

How to get rid of itching

Scalp itching due to allergies
Scalp itching due to allergies

From the above it is clear that the causes of scabies can be very diverse. Proper treatment if itchy head, can only recommend a doctor. After all, the task is much easier to cope with, knowing the source of the disease.

  • Eliminate the allergen is necessary if the cause of persistent itching of the scalp was an allergic reaction. Taking antihistamines in this situation will help reduce the symptoms of the disease.
  • When appearing in the hair lice and nits usually itchy neck and area behind the ears. If you constantly scratch these places, then over time there is the likelihood of wounds on them. That in turn can be a cause for the occurrence of a secondary infection. Get rid of lice possible with special pediculicidal preparations or folk remedies. Equally important in this case processing apartment, bedding, things.
  • The presence of a fungal infection requires the use of antimycotic shampoos.
  • Normalize the sebaceous glands can be a comprehensive treatment, which appoints the endocrinologist.

The question of what to do if itchy head, many people are concerned. In order to achieve improvement in the condition of the skin, it is necessary to:

  • to reconsider a diet: it is necessary to exclude fatty, harmful and sweet dishes;
  • bad habits are another negativity that should be discarded because nicotine promotes the formation of free radicals;
  • Equally important is the correct selection of detergents for hair care, their choice should take into account the skin type, and not the attractiveness of the label and fragrance means;
  • To eliminate flaking and treatment of fungal diseases of the skin of the head, it is necessary to use hair cleaners containing birch tar and ketoconazole;
  • to relieve the inflammatory process, it is better to rinse your head with a soothing herbal decoction.
Ways to improve the condition of the scalp
Ways to improve the condition of the scalp

Treat the skin of the head from itching and can be folk remedies.

  1. Well removes the discomfort of apple cider vinegar. It is diluted with boiled cooled water in a ratio of 1: 3. The resulting solution is treated with the scalp, after 10 minutes, rinse with running water. This procedure is carried out daily during the week.
  2. To alleviate the itchy symptoms will help apple mask. Apple should grind a blender. After that, the resulting mass is applied to the scalp, rinse off for 30 minutes with the use of shampoo for daily hair care. Such treatments should be carried out for seven days.
  3. Excellent anti-inflammatory properties have a mixture of olive and almond oils. It is enough to mix 5 ml of each component with 200 ml of hot water. After the solution has cooled, it is applied to the scalp for 20 minutes.Finish the procedure with a shampoo.

If you always want to scratch your head, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Indeed, in the early stages of the disease is much easier to win than when it is in neglected form.

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