Prevention of pediculosis in school

Peak incidence pediculosis in educational institutions in the fall. Children return from camps and bring on their hair lice. In the class, boys and girls communicate closely and transmit parasites to each other. Therefore, the prevention of pediculosis in school children is necessary. Thanks to her, the growth of the disease is controlled and does not develop into an epidemic.

Pediculosis prevention activities

In an educational institution there is a high risk of catching the parasite. But this is not a reason to transfer the child to home schooling. The state takes care of students by issuing orders, which indicate what measures for the prevention of lice should be carried out.

With children and their parents they talk about parasitic diseases and their spread. Moms and dads are asked to monitor the child and warn the school if he gets sick to prevent the spread of the disease.

On a note!

If the child has red marks behind the ears and on the back of the head, it is worth examining his hair. Parents should be alerted if their student began to complain of headaches and itchy skin. If no lice are found on the head, but the child continues to itch, you should examine the body and clothing.

Itchy scalp
Itchy scalp

The order for pediculosis at school obliges the employees of the institution:

  • monitor the cleanliness of the room;
  • isolate sick children from healthy ones;
  • allow students to take classes after rehabilitation from nits and lice;
  • tell students about the rules of hygiene;
  • conduct preventive examinations.

A sample of the school order can be found on the Internet or ask the school principal.

In educational institutions for the prevention of infection with lice classes are held, in which the doctor talks about headache hazards and methods to prevent it. The kids are checked after every vacation.

Plan for the implementation of measures for the prevention of pediculosis

Each school draws up an action plan for the prevention of parasitic diseases. This document indicates what should be carried out in school walls to prevent the development of the disease. For each item appointed deadlines and the person in charge, which often serves as a paramedic.

The document lists not only activities that affect students. School employees are required to familiarize themselves with regulatory documents:

  • SanPin 3.2.3215-14;
  • guidelines for combating lice;
  • the law “On sanitary epidemiological well-being of the population”.

For students painted deadlines inspections. It is indicated when it is necessary to do explanatory work with parents. An action plan is available on the school website.

Planned and unscheduled inspections

Examination of hair for pediculosis
Examination of hair for pediculosis

The main prevention of pediculosis in the secondary school (secondary school) remains plannedinspections for the presence of lice and nits. They are conducted by a school doctor or nurse. AT SanPin Resolution 3.2.3215-14 it is indicated that scheduled inspections are carried out four times a year, after each vacation.

On a note!

It is not necessary in this matter to rely only on the educational institution. The parent must independently examine the child at home. Take a magnifying glass, choose a well-lit place and begin to examine the hair on your head. It is necessary to check every strand, starting from the temple. Checked bedding and underwear.

The school health worker should carefully examine the students' hair. He leads a special head examination journalin which all data points. This document is written:

  • when an examination was conducted for the presence of lice in students;
  • class number and number of children in it;
  • lice infestation data.

If the doctor was able to detect the disease in the student, then he is removed from school until full recovery. Pediculosis treatment held in native walls. The doctor prescribes effective remedy for licewhich can be processed skin.

If parents find lice, they are obliged to report this to the school doctor.Then an unscheduled examination of students.

What parents need to know

To prevent pediculosis from spreading in the children's team, parents should also take preventive measures at home:

  1. Keep the baby’s shape and clothes clean to prevent the appearance of a clothes louse.
  2. Use baby shampoo to wash your hair. Head wash at least twice a week. Can be used prophylactic agentswhich are in the form of pharmaceutical preparations or essential oils.
  3. Check the hair for the presence of lice eggs once a week. To know, what lice and nits look like, you can see the photo.

On a note!

Boys have lice less frequently than girls. To protect the daughter, you should observe the following rule - to braid her hair in a pigtail or bun.

At school, dads and mom can give out a memo for pediculosis. If you follow what is written in it, the risk of picking up a bloodsucking insect will decrease several times.

Not always compliance with preventive measures save from the appearance of insects and their nits in the hair. If this happens, it is worth warning the medical assistant of the school about the disease. The rest of the children in the classroom will be checked, and the patient with pediculosis will be treated at home.For the time of his illness, he will be suspended from classes and will be allowed to them only if there is a certificate.

The doctor will prescribe a drug through which get rid of lice can be a couple of days.

Anyone can get this unpleasant disease. Most often children suffer from pediculosis. The school does prevention, but you shouldn’t rely only on teachers and a paramedic. Tell your son or daughter that you can not use someone else's thing and avoid close contact with those who show signs of lice.

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