Will lice die if you dye your hair
- Louse and nit
- Staining procedure
- Paint lice
Pediculosis - The disease is ancient. Humanity has come up with a lot of ways how to get rid of lice. Along with modern pharmacy drugs continue to apply old proven folk recipes. Among them - hair coloring. Does hair dye kill lice and nits, such a question is often asked by girls and women.
Features of parasites
To know what methods to use to fight the enemy, you need to explore its weaknesses.
Head lice
Head lice - small insects with a body length of up to 4 mm. They live on the head, feed on blood. Moves with tenacious legs. For a minute they are able to overcome a distance of 35 cm. They do not know how to jump, fly. Acutely react to unpleasant odors. The body is protected by a dense shell, on the surface of which the spiracles are located.
Eat every 2 hours, the process of absorption of food lasts up to 40 minutes. When released into the environment - the floor, bed, pillow, headdress, die within 3 days. Lifespan imago is 30-40 days. On 1 head can live from 10 to 20 individuals.
Eggs lice. Oblong, oval shape, with a lid at the base. Egg length about 1 mm. The dense shell protects the larva from the effects of adverse factors. No chemical substances - kerosene, gasoline, vinegar, insecticides - can penetrate through it.
Mounted to the hair with a special adhesive substance that lice secrete when laying eggs. Under the influence of oxygen, the mucus hardens, firmly fixes the nits to the hair.They are not able to move, do not wash off with soap, do not comb out the usual comb. The photo clearly shows how lice and nits look in hair.
The larvae develop in the egg 7-10 days. They gnaw through the cover of the shell, get out. Empty nits remain on the hair. Small lice - nymphs lead the same way of life, but do not reproduce, because it takes another week to form the genitals. In 8 days nymphs pass 3 molts, turn into a mature individual, and then proceed to breeding.
Does hair dye help lice and nits
Wonderful cosmetic method - painting, allows you to simultaneously bring beauty, get rid of lice. So say many victims, recommend an effective remedy to others. Is it possible to get rid of lice by dyeing your hair or is it just a myth.
How is the procedure:
- the head is treated with a special coloring agent;
- put on a special plastic cap or bag;
- wait 45 minutes.
The same procedure is recommended to do when breeding lice with the use of any popular, many pharmacy tools.
The pungent smell of coloring components clogs the spiracles,plastic cap blocks oxygen, does not allow to breathe. In 45 minutes of exposure, crawling individuals die from hair dye. You can not say about nits. They have reliable protection. Lice die from paint, the larvae in the eggs continue to develop. Eggs will disappear only with careful combing nits.
What paint to use
Modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of dyes. The composition of the dyes for dark, blond hair includes different components. For pediculosis treatment Blonds that contain strong oxidizing agents will do.
On a note!
It should be noted that a care product containing no hydrogen peroxide will be ineffective and will not be able to destroy the parasites. The whole secret of removing lice with human hair dye hydrogen peroxide.
Effective paint for lice:
- all shades of blond, the stronger the oxidizer, the better;
- hydrogen peroxide must be present;
- The expiration date has not expired.
In this case, the price does not play an important role, but you need to worry about the condition of the hair. Stock up masks for recovery, balms, lotions.Reviews of hair dye from lice leave the girls on the forums. Share impressions about efficiency.
I remember appeared lice in hair have a younger sister. Mom did not allow her to dye her hair; Sister was 12 years old. I had paint from a series of blond. Used from her pediculosis. We decided to check whether the hair dye helps lice and nits. The result was a pretty girl with a stylish haircut. Dead individuals, nits combed with a comb for an hour. Re-did not process the head with anything. Week checked, chose, all that remains. Insects begin to be destroyed within 30 minutes, so it is possible to solve the problem of lice paint.
Alina, Yaroslavl
How does hydrogen peroxide work?
In medicine, the substance is widely used to disinfect the surface of the skin, quickly recovering from weeping eczema, open wounds. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, without disrupting the processes in healthy cells. When exposed to oxygen forms a white film, prevents the penetration of infection.
Getting on the shell of the lice, clogs the spiracles, penetrates inside.Destroys the internal organs, leading to inevitable death. Lice begin to die from hair dye within 30 minutes.
On a note!
There is evidence that hydrogen peroxide damages the membrane and penetrates to the larvae. This fact is not confirmed, but it is known that peroxide destroys the sticky substance with which the nit is attached to the hair. Parasites literally showered from the head at the slightest touch with a comb.
Derive paint pediculosis can only blondes. If the hair is not sorry. I had such a situation when I wanted white hair with my light blond. For this you need to clarify about 3 times. For a long time did not dare. Lice pushed for action. Dyed her hair without thinking of parasites. Scratched head ceased after the first time, but even on dyed hair lice still remained. 3 more colors completely killed all the parasites.
Inna, Odessa
Procedure for getting rid of pediculosis
You can remove lice hair dye by following the instructions:
- distribute hair on strands, carefully process each of them;
- wear a plastic bag or a special cap;
- cover the towel from the top;
- leave to act for 30-45 minutes;
- wash off the paint with warm water;
- dilute 200 ml of bite in 500 ml of water, rinse hair.
Towel needed to create a high temperature on the head. In such conditions, peroxide acts faster, insects have no chance of survival. Vinegar facilitates combing, promotes separation of nits from hair. Slightly dry your head with a hair dryer, begin the procedure of combing.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is possible to dye hair from lice instead of using special preparations if:
- rooted, need to tint;
- I have long wanted to lighten my hair;
- There is no possibility to use another tool.
The main advantages are simplicity, accessibility, efficiency. The disadvantage is the fact that to fix the result, you must repeat the procedure after 10 days, for clarifiers such a period is contraindicated. Re-staining is allowed at least 14 days. Otherwise, hair deteriorates a lot - they lose their luster, thin, split.
They will die if they dye their hair, nymphs of different ages, imago. Nits will live. A few missed eggs are able to give life to a new population in just 14 days.The efficiency of a single treatment is 80%, twice - 99%, three times - 100%. The break should be between the procedures of 7 days.