Can lice appear from nerves?

Stress, depression and intense feelings have negative consequences. And this is not only weight loss and vision loss. Frequent nervous shocks lead to a weakening of the immune system, which violates the protective functions of the body. The active development of bacteria and viruses, which cannot suppress the immune system, contributes to the development of various diseases. There is even a statement that negative emotions cause lice.Can lice appear on the nervous system, this article will tell.

Myth or Reality

So in reality, lice from the nerves - myth or reality, are interested in many people. After all, quite often a nervous person experiencing stress suffers from intolerable and prolonged itching.

Stress and lice
Stress and lice

The opinion that nerves from nerves appear has existed since the time of our grandmothers. You can hear a similar theory today. Someone denies her completely, but there are also people who are sure that she is right. There are several versions of this nature:

  • Head lice are constantly present in humans, while in hibernation mode. They become active when a person is very nervous.
  • In stressful situations, the human body emits a special sweat, the smell of which is very attractive lice. Being on the human body, they feed on his blood, resulting in unbearable itching.
  • Pediculosis can be transmitted at the genetic level - lice appear in a person since birth, but they come to the surface after strong nervous shocks.
  • Negative exciting emotions cause elastic painful bumps to form,which are habitats of parasites. The appearance of insects contribute to the state of prolonged depression and nervous fatigue.
  • Nervous lice appear like cancer cells. During heavy excitement, they develop rapidly, turning into insects.

These assumptions are not scientifically based, as for the full existence of the parasites need to regularly eat human blood. Therefore, head lice nervosa is nothing but an invention of people. Surprising is the fact that it is claimed by quite educated residents of the metropolis.

On a note!

Eggs lice in humans do not live. Insects are also not transmitted from animals and do not start from dirt. And the unbearable itching is nothing but the development of a skin disease. Psoriasis, dermatitis - diseases that can cause a similar sensation of itching. However, they have nothing to do with bloodsuckers.

Ways of infection

However, lice cannot appear by themselves. Main causes of human infection with pediculosis are:

  • physical contact with the carrier of parasites - during a game, fight, close communication, kiss or sexual contact,After all, insects simply cannot jump and fly;
  • sharing things that are the source of infection clothes louse and head parasite ;;
  • the use of combs, barrettes and other hair care products, as well as headwear;
  • visiting public places with low sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • swimming in standing water can cause pubic lice - the louse is sufficiently resistant to hypoxia, so it can exist in the water for two days.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that during nervous disorders a person really changes the composition and smell of sweat. That he attracts parasites. A person in a calm state is less attractive to bloodsuckers.

On the nerves of the child also can not be lice. Despite the fact that children are infected with head lice more often than adults. Children's collective, different families and their social level are the main causes of the spread of the disease. Besides baby lice appear due to the fact that children often change headgear and comb, without attaching special importance to it.


The lice themselves can not disappear, but pests multiply fast enough. Therefore it is necessary to start immediately. pediculosis treatment. The process of removing lice is quite troublesome. In the old days used kerosene for lice. They were treated with the head of an infected person, after which for some time they wrapped the package. Such a “bath” was destructive for parasites. The hair was washed with detergent and combed out with a special comb.

Today, there are many lice productscontaining poisonous components for insects. For humans, they are practically harmless.


In particular demand from the consumer use pediculicidal shampoos. The tool is applied to the hair massaging movements. After 3-5 minutes, the hair is washed with running water using a daily shampoo. Then comb out the parasites with the help of a special comb with thin and frequent teeth. However, to achieve a full effect after the first treatment is not always possible. Among the lice shampoos, the following stand out:

The sprays

More effective in the fight against parasites the sprays. One of these is Pair Plus. The composition of the aerosol means includes permethrin - a toxic substance, detrimental to insects. Spray sprayed over the entire length of the hair, and left on the head for 10 minutes. After that, the product is rinsed with water using ordinary shampoo. Get rid of dead insects will help comb against lice. The following formulations are also used:

Folk remedies

Lice Remedies
Lice Remedies

Many people struggle with head lice folk remedies. An example of this is rubbing cranberry or mint juice into the scalp.

Wormwood has excellent deterrent properties. From it prepare a decoction (1 liter of water 1 tbsp. L. Herbs), which wash the head. Triple Cologne has similar properties. It is applied on the hair and skin of the head, then covered with a film. This "mask" is held for no more than an hour, after which the hair is thoroughly washed and combed off the dead lice and nits.

Dustov soap - Another popular remedy for lice, which people use for many years. However, finding it on sale is not always easy.

Also popular are such folk remedies as:

Stress lice is just a myth. Parasites are not on the nerves of the soil, they can only start when in contact with an infected person. Self-extinction of pests is also impossible - they will not disappear if a person already infected with head lice restricts communication with other people. Only the adoption of real timely measures will help eliminate pests.

But in order to prevent the occurrence of pests, you must follow the rules of hygiene, use only your own combs, headgear and things. Experts also recommend braiding long hair in places of large concentrations of people and to prevent casual sex.

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