Ciliated lice and nits

Many people will be surprised when they find out that lice can be got not only in a head, but also in other places of a human body. There are lice on the eyelashes, pubic, in the armpits. This disease is called ftiriaz or defeat pubic lice, it is quite rare.

Who are pubic lice?

Pubic lice, they are ploshchitsy, usually settle in areas of hair growth on the body: on the genitals, around the anus, crawling on the stomach, settle on the eyelashes. Outwardly, they are different from ordinary head lice: look like small brown-yellow crabs no larger than 2 mm. What the ciliary lice look like in the photo is shown below.

Lice on the eyelashes-1
Lice on eyelashes

Being fixed at the base of the hair near the skin, the louse hardly moves, but breeds very quickly: on the day the female lays 2-3 eggs. Nits almost transparent with a size of 0.5 mm are firmly glued to the eyelashes with the help of a special secret.

Pubic lice feed only on human blood, biting through the skin twice a day. During a bite in the wound, an adult insect injects an enzyme that prevents blood from clotting, as a result of which there is a slight itch in the bite and then a wound. Lice on the eyelashes in the photo - an unattractive picture, but in reality they look even more disgusting.

On a note!

How many lice livedepends on habitat conditions. Without food, a louse falls into an anabiotic state, in which it can remain for several months, in order then, under favorable circumstances, to begin a full-fledged “bloodsucking” life again.

How can you get infected

Pubic lice
Pubic lice

A healthy person can become infected with this type of louse in several ways:

  • having sex with a person who has such insects;
  • close contact with a sick person: a hug, a handshake, a kiss;
  • With the appearance of pubic lice in the genital area, a person can easily transfer them to other parts of the body that have hair: armpits, eyelashes;
  • through personal belongings of the patient: towel, clothes, bedding;
  • in public places: sauna, swimming pool, etc.


Having settled on the eyelashes, lice can cause various eye diseases, because infection can easily get into the formed wounds.

Symptoms of ftiriaza

The disease is very unpleasant, its treatment depends on how quickly the parasites were detected. The symptoms that tell you that the person has lice on the eyelashes or eyebrows are as follows:

  • severe itching on the eyelids or at the roots of the eyelashes, more often at night, because this is the period of maximum activity of insects;
  • swelling of the eyelids, sometimes in the morning a person can barely open his eyes;
  • feelings of gluing or thickening of the cilia appear when the eggs are glued on them, which is why the hairs are compacted;
  • the appearance of pustules on the skin near the eyes, which, when pressed, exudes fluid, often pimples form in such places (see photos);

    Lice on eyelashes
    Lice on eyelashes
  • darkening of the eyelid skin to brownish-black color: when you try to wash it off with warm water (when a woman thinks that it is the residue after makeup) - it will not work, this is due to the deposited small louse eggs.


Ciliated lice cannot be washed off with water or scratched eyes. Adult individuals bite into the skin so firmly, and small nits on the eyelashes are so firmly attached to the hairs that it is difficult to remove them by mechanical action.

Treatment methods

If a person suspects that he has lice on his eyelashes, then the first step should be to consult a doctor in order to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the optimal method of treatment. Phthyriasis on eyelashes is treated in two ways:

  • Mechanical - involves the removal of insects and nits manually using a special comb for eyelashes or with tweezers. Before using tweezers, you should smear your eyelashes with Vaseline, which will help to “slow down” the insects and prevent them from escaping. Removal of lice and nits with tweezers should be done several times until they are completely destroyed;
  • Chemical - using special ointments or creams, but only after consulting an ophthalmologist. Most commonly appointed remedies for pediculosis, emulsion Permethrin is usually used, the use of which is permissible in the eye area, but with a lower concentration of the active substance: the drug should be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. You can also use Pedilin, Nix, Pair Plus, Here, Paranit, Veda, Medyfox, Avalanchethat are applied with a cotton swab along the hairline. Having sustained necessary time, the agent is washed off with water.
Lice Remedies
Lice Remedies

The most radical way is full cutting of eyelashes. It is used most often in children, in whom it is very difficult to cope with this problem in other ways.

Traditional methods of treatment for phthyriasis

All popular methods of removing lice on the eyelashes should be applied with great care to avoid eye damage and infection.

One of the old and effective folk remedies is an use of kerosene solution and ordinary soap, divorced in equal amounts. It is necessary to apply such mix with care not to get to eyes. It should be kept for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Sulfur ointment is used less frequently and needs to be applied to the affected areas daily, tar soap.

Duration of treatment

To get rid of all the lice on the eyelashes, it will take at least 2-3 days depending on the degree of damage and the number of parasites. With strong foci of infection, treatment may take several weeks.

After the course of treatment, it is imperative that preventive measures be taken to prevent re-infection.


To avoid such trouble as lice in the eyelashes, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • perform daily hygiene procedures: wash hands, face, etc .;
  • take care in public places: after visiting institutions such as the beach, swimming pool, solarium, sauna, you should take a bath and handle the likely areas of infection;
  • Always use your own personal hygiene products.
  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • change bedding regularly and iron it more often with a hot iron.

By following these simple rules, anyone can avoid getting sick. pediculosis and ftiriazom, but even when infected with pubic parasites should not panic, although these insects are very unpleasant and cause many disgust.Early measures should be taken to determine the exact diagnosis by visiting a doctor and addressing the problem.

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