Plots and prayers against lice and nits
- Lice in hair
- Lice in children
- Rituals against pediculosis
- Lice and nits
Pediculosis - a long-standing disease, widespread throughout the world. Mention of human parasites are found in the works of Aristotle. The remains of insects were found in the tombs of the Egyptians, the settlements of the Indians of South America, Greenland, on the Aleutian Islands. Herodot told about the methods of dealing with certain parasites - shaving heads, in Russia, pediculosis was considered to be a heavenly carriage.Conspiracies and prayers for lice are considered an effective method of struggle when other means fail.
Mystical appearance of pediculosis
The presence of cockroaches, fleas, lice, scabby mites, worms, worms, people with extraordinary abilities are considered a sign of negative energy in the house, on the person. Negative is transmitted by kind, acquired over time as a result of scandals, quarrels, drunkenness, is sent by other people with the help of black magic.
There is a theory that lice appear from the nerves. Scientists have confirmed the fact that the parasites quickly move to the head of a person with an irritated psyche. There is a certain impulse that attracts parasites. People with extraordinary abilities explain this phenomenon by breakdowns in the protective shell of a person. A damaged aura allows parasites to penetrate the body and inside it. Under the influence of black magic, the person becomes defenseless, cannot withstand parasitic diseases.
There is a wide variety in the modern world. remedies for pediculosis, none of them allows to avoid re-infection. In the presence of a negative, no most effective means will allow get rid of lice and nits finally. Parasites will make itself felt new infections constantly. The problem must be solved at the energy level.
How to distinguish the usual pediculosis from the mystical
Mages claim that no disease occurs just like that. You have to pay for your mistakes or others. Children of preschool age and lower grades are at risk. At this time, they are well amenable to negative influence from the outside. Jinxed, envied, scolded, cursed - the child has lice.
If lice is found in an adult - you need to seriously think about your actions, check for the presence of black magic on yourself. You can contact the experts or conduct a ritual on their own. To do this, light a wax church candle, lead over his head. If it cracks, smokes, burns unnaturally - there is a magical interference.
The effect of the negative is short-term, long. In the first case, you can treat pediculosis any suitable means - shampoo, spray, ointment, vinegar, tar soap, tameric water and so on. With the long-term action of the negative disease will be repeated several times,how to attack. It is necessary to begin treatment with plots from louses and nits, prayers.
Rituals against pediculosis
The expulsion of lice should be carried out on a waning moon. The conspiracy will not work in the full moon, on the rising moon. The time is chosen either after sunset, or at sunrise. For the ritual will need:
- new broom;
- church candle;
- icon;
- spring water or holy water.
The icon is set as a defense if they do not read the plot themselves, try to rid the loved one of the torment. Candle allows you to contact the higher forces. It is necessary to perform the ritual alone, so that no one could interfere.
Light a candle, put a container with water. Break off a twig of a new broom, put in the water. A conspiracy against lice and nits read in a whisper.
With a broom in the house, all the rubbish is swept away,
It is freed from impurities.
So I louse the head of the servant of God (name), sweep,
I will not leave a single egg, I will kill all the nits!
I will wash the waters so that they will not return back,
The servant of God (name) was not tortured
He was not bullied.
My words are strong, do not kill anyone, nor change, nor fix!
Let it be so!
A twig should be burned, water should be used to wash hair. After the conspiracy, you can choose any remedy for pediculosis, begin to deduce parasites. The popular method will work several times more efficiently than before. Plots from lice can read any, pronounce words with confidence.
Prayers from lice and nits
Lice appear due to retaliation. The man himself was engaged in black magic, witchcraft, wished evil to others or his ancestors. The moment of redemption has come. In this case, conspiracy from lice and nits does not help, you need to read the prayers, repent of their deeds. Retribution applies to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness to blood relatives, even if they did not personally know their ancestors.
Getting rid of lice can be lengthy if the negative was sent by a magic specialist, and not just an amateur. It will take several sessions.
Prayer from lice and nits is different from conspiracy, sincere appeal to God, the Saints. If there is no inner repentance, the words will not be heard. You need to start with the words of forgiveness.
Forgive me, Lord, my relatives and loved ones for the words dashing,
For evil deeds!
Accept my repentance!
Give me your goodness, turn your eyes on me!
Save from adversity, Lord!
Put your protection on the Slave of God!
Become me a shield.
Preserve against the deeds of men, from evil spirits.
Rid the servant of God (name) of lice and nits.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!
You need to pray every day for a week. Use means to get rid of head lice. Along with the lice will go household troubles, ease will appear inside, peace of mind.
Lice causes physical, mental, emotional suffering. It is necessary to pay attention to the sources of infection, place, as well as the inner world. All problems from thoughts, desires, wrong actions. Prayer helps to correct mistakes, conspiracy - to neutralize the influence of magic, sent, acquired negative.