Magazine inspection of children for scabies and pediculosis - the form and design

Lice are transmitted from a sick person with hugs, heads in contact, through combs, hairpins, hats. To become infected pediculosis everyone can, regardless of age. In the area of ​​special risk - children. Medical workers in kindergartens, schools are obliged to check the heads of the wards for the presence of lice, promptly identify the problem, keep a log of examination for lice F 278.

Lice in children-1
Lice in children

What is the journal for pediculosis?

In each educational institution, a medical worker examines children once a month. For each group, the class is given a certain time to identify the disease. Children on the list fit to the doctor.

You need to inspect in a well-lit place with a magnifying glass, magnifying glass. Confirmation of pediculosis is the presence of live head licenits. Symptom of pediculosis is itchy skin. Louse bites on the skin, scratching - the secondary signs of the disease.


To inspect more efficiently, use a special comb with small teeth. Since the blond hair to notice the parasites is quite difficult.

The results of the survey recorded in the journal of the established sample. Specify the group name, class, date, last name, information about the presence, absence of parasites. If they are, in what form - live, dead, dry.

Form filling

There is a special form - Inspection log for pediculosis F 278. It is kept on paper, electronically. The first is used for the initial entry of information, the second - for the formation of future reports on the work done.

On the title page of the paper type the name of the document is indicated - “Journal of examinations of children for pediculosis and scabies”. Name of pre-school, school, with an indication of the legal form, address. Below is the year of the beginning, end, if the entire document is filled.

The next page starts with a table. Sample journal F 278.

Inspection dateGroup number (class)Number of children examinedRevealedEvents held
02.04.20161Dmitriev Alexander Petrovich Not found
02.04.20161Stepanova Alina Vladimirovna+ Detected live individuals, nits. Recommended therapeutic measures, means.
03.04.20161Kirilov Maxim Nikolaevich Not found

The health worker is obliged to notify on the results of the verification of the class teacher, educator. If there is a case of pediculosis, they contact their parents. Recommended measures to combat lice, remedies for pediculosis. A child is not allowed to attend an educational institution until full recovery. Repeated examination by a physician.

Pediculosis Examination Journal
Pediculosis Examination Journal

If the parents refuse to take action, the responsibility for curing the child falls on the medical staff of the educational institution.Information may be indicated in the report. Such a child is under the scrutiny of medical staff throughout their studies. The magazine in the school is kept by the nurse.

How to issue a document

Registration of the inspection log depends on the form of reference. The document is in paper form, electronic. All data is entered into a specially designed program. Reports are generated in it, the table is printed. You can individually select sick babies, a list of activities. In the absence of a computerized program, all information is stored in a paper logbook of inspections. According to new SanPin for the prevention of pediculosis, doctors keep a journal in kindergarten for several years, or each year they start a new document.

Pediculosis refers to diseases that are easier to prevent. Timely inspection allows you to detect the problem on time, take appropriate measures to avoid problems with the health and psyche of the child. The main symptoms of the disease are severe itching, scratching, scratches on the head. Children at a preschool institution and elementary school children are at risk.The form, the magazine helps to classify patients, determine the degree of prevalence.

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Bed bugs

